Day 26 – June 24, 2015

Little man Paul

Little man Paul

The main purpose of each physician is to help their patients as much as they are capable to do so. Dr. Arun really hit on this point today when talking about his approach to practicing medicine. Since most people in India do not have health insurance, each test and procedure is a burden to them and their family. Even though the diagnosis may take more time, Dr. Arun tries his best to take the tests and procedures one step at a time. This is much different than the United States, where many tests are ordered before the patient even gets a bed. Since many Americans have health insurance, running many tests is not a big burden on the patients, but in many situations “Indian medicine” may be more helpful. What I mean is that when treating the impoverished people in the States, treating them only for what is absolutely necessary will save them money and allow them to not be burdened by their health. Until now I didn’t realize that working in a less developed country could improve my skills for working in America, but now I do. Learning how to work with limited resources is absolutely vital when working with people who cannot afford the resources available. There are so many people around the world that need a little help when it comes to affording healthcare, but just as important are the people in my backyard. The rest of the day in Kodaikanal went as usual, but I do have to say that I am very happy that I found my lunch spot. I cannot complain about getting all I can eat for less than one US dollar.

The view from Joshua

The view from Joshua

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