
readings listed here, due dates on assignments tab:

videos shown in class:

Readings for the course:
Drawing-Futures- Conference book, Ray Lucas article, pg 217 -223 will be due in the future, but also the entire book is a great source to review different types of representation
Chilé Architectural Guide

Chilé Architectural Guide, Architecture in Chile: An Introduction Chilé Arch guide intro

Chilé Architectural Guide, Architecture in Chile: CHILE Arch guide Appendix & Index

Chilé Architectural Guide, Architecture in Chile: Chilé Arch guide Santiago Cerro Isla

Chilé Architectural Guide, Architecture in Chile:  Chilé Arch guide combined

Chilé Eyewitness Tour Guide book

Chilé EW guidebook Santiago Centro

Chilé EW guidebook Santiago West

Chilé EW guidebook Santiago Northeast

Chilé EW guidebook Santiago Valparaíso