Final Project Brainstorming

Topic being explored:  Equality & Feminism

  • Why does this topic interest me?
    • I have always been interested in the topic of feminism. Equality has always been an issue I have taken an interested in and both topics together are issues I strongly stand for.
  • What do I already know about this topic?
    • Both equality and the rise of feminism are controversial topics. Many disregard them altogether or refuse to acknowledge their reality.
  • What do I want to learn about this topic?
    • How much of an impact their recent movements have made and the transitions that have been made from the beginning of the origins of equality and feminism til now.
  • What are cliché images and ideas relating to this project that I want to avoid?
    • equal sign, gender symbol, peace signs
  • Why should other people care about this topic?
    • Because it is an issue that our country has been facing for decades. Not only is it a very real topic, but it degrades people we all know and ultimately affects us all.
  • How can I discuss this object visually without falling back on overused imagery?
    • By looking at a broader, more abstract picture I have some ideas involving the “shattering of stereotypes” and the rise of female dominance
  • How do I get people interested in this topic with my work
    • Make the piece intriguing and something that triggers people to think. When art is interesting, people want to talk about the subject matter intertwined within it

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