Group Joiner Project

Our Composite With Paper

Photoshop Automated Creation

Our Photoshop Composite

For me the most frustrating part of this project was using photoshop. It is not always easy to manipulate the pictures how you would like them to look. Also, for some reason, more abstract pieces of art are harder for me to develop. Maybe this time it was due to the fact that it was a group effort and we all had to decide on the piece together as a whole. If I am being honest, my favorite part of the assignment was putting the composite together on paper using the old methods of scissors and glue. I think that this also was the most successful medium we used.

Using a computer to manipulate images the way you want to is more difficult. You can never truly get the organic shapes you may desire. Even though the computer continues to become more advanced, it is not as creative as the human mind. Photoshop was not able to make the same decisions as us because it a predetermined automated piece. It cannot manipulate the work the way we desire.

Hockney views photoshop as a sort of stale representation of art. Making every pictures without flaw and extremely edited takes away from its creativity. The photo just isn’t the same. He thinks that there is a loss of personal connection when using the computer to generate the work and ultimately lose some of its human experience. I agree. All these computer applications can be helpful to an extent, but allowing them to create the art themselves takes away the connection and meaning. It makes the work more lifeless and flat. When the computer is added it can be a co-creator, but in my opinion art requires human interaction and creativity so it should not be the sole creator. Humans are the creators of art, the computer is just a tool for us to enhance art.

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