Toxic Substances Come Together
Hello, my name is Amber Salsburey and I have created this blog to share some information about toxic substances that I have researched while pursuing my Master of Pharmacology degree. I currently work as a firefighter for the City of Columbus, so as a theme for my toxicology posts, I have chosen substances that can be easily encountered in everyday life. I make a conscious effort every day at work to avoid any and all hazards that are in my span of control. Many of the substances discussed in this blog are used in the average persons daily life. The substances discussed thus far include:
Metam sodium– A common pesticide that is known to cause respiratory and dermatological irritation.
Aluminum– A simple but widely used compound in many surprising things, including deodorant, giving it an easy path inside the body.
Diesel exhaust– While, almost everybody who goes outside is exposed, a larger concern is given to those who live near busy highways and in occupational settings. For me specifically, diesel exhaust is a major concern for firefighters.
Rhubarb– A common garden vegetable whose leaves can lead to comatose.