Study Strategies

Online study tools are great resources for students. However I do have some concerns about using online sources versus physical objects such as books and note cards. There are several great websites that provide tools to help you make flashcards and other similar study notes. In my experience, I have learned that I need actual flashcards I can hold and write on. If I make cards online, I tell myself that I can study anywhere by just using my phone but in reality I need the cards in front of me to actually be able to focus. If any student is considering taking advantage of the online tools, I would suggest that you evaluate your tendencies and avoid the websites if you are like me.

Another useful study strategy that works well for me is using the online resources as a final self test to make sure that I really do know the information and can write it down or say it out loud. If these types of activities are done in groups there is a higher likelihood that more resources will be used and different perspectives will be shared that could enhance your understanding. It is also good to help your other classmates because the more you explain it to other people the better you understand it yourself. As long as your studying is organized, focused, and saved for later use you will get more use out of your time.

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