
One global awareness goal I have is to study abroad. I would love to be able to spend a semester overseas to learn about the culture and diversity. I love traveling and seeing the styles, foods, and architecture of different places. I would also love to join a club that talks about the culture of different places around the world.

One original inquiry goal I have is to be a research assistant for a business/law firm. I feel like interning at a firm and doing research or interning at a business is a good learning experience.

One goal I have is to take challenging classes and classes to broaden my knowledge. I plan to minor in Arabic and I took Arabic Literature to become more familiar with the language and cultures. Also, another goal I have is to double major.

One goal I have for leadership development is to join a club and become a big role in it. Another goal is to become a strong enough speaker to be able to impress future interviewers.

The last goal I have for service engagement is to volunteer in hospitals or around Columbus. I did a lot of volunteer work in high school and I hope to continue that throughout college.

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