Statement of Action

For my remaining time as an Ohio State undergraduate student, I plan to become more involved in my organizations (Defend Our Future, Buckeyes for Life, Biological Sciences Scholars, Alpha Xi Delta) through my various leadership roles, and I hope to pick up new leadership roles as well. I have adopted many healthy habits throughout my second year that have helped me be very successful in my studies, and I will continue with those habits (going to bed/waking up at the same time every day, eating three meals per day with minimal snacking, exercising 2-5 times per week, journaling, utilizing a planner/Google calendar, good study habits, etc.). I was very successful in my second year by being organized and disciplined, and I will continue to work just as hard throughout my remaining time on campus.

Vision Statement

After two years of college, I feel that I have a good grasp of what I visualize to be my future, throughout the rest of my undergraduate career and beyond. For the rest of my time at Ohio State, I plan to stay active/become more active in my leadership roles in the various organizations I am involved in, as well as continue to thrive in my classes. After graduation, I plan to go to law school in Washington, D.C. and then establish a career working in policy after that. I will make an impact on this world, and I plan to do so by taking action towards the things I feel passionately about.


GOALS are more than just something you hope to accomplish, it’s something to strive for and work towards. As scholars students, GOALS are ways to better not only ourselves, but our community as well.

  • Global Awareness: To accomplish global awareness, I can get involved in different clubs that are aimed at global studies and solving global issues. Another way to become more globally aware is to study different languages. Additionally, I hope to get involved with study abroad opportunities in order to get first hand experience with different cultures.
  • Original Inquiry: Original inquiry involves thinking ouside of the box and coming up with questions that you feel need to be answered. In order to do this, one must be an active learner and read papers and publications to form original ideas. After deciding what to look into, talking to professors, doctors, or faculty members to see if it would be possible to get research positions in their labs and offices.
  • Academic Enrichment: This area involves students exploring interests outside of their specific major. Being a Biological Sciences scholar assists with this in facilitating interactions between students from a variety of majors. This not only allows students to find their interests, but allows them to build connections and get different perspectives. Within BioSci, since community interests are similar, it is easier to find your niche.
  • Leadership Development: Good leadership skills are an important trait to have, no matter what career path you plan on taking. There are numerous ways to develop these skills, and a college campus provides many opportunities. One think you can do is hold a position in a club, whether that be president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, etc. Additionally, starting your own club is a good way to demonstrate leadership. While a title is good to have, there are other ways to show leadership as well. Simply being involved in organizations or even intramural teams is a good way to demonstrate and develop skills as a leader.
  • Service Engagement: Attending the involvement fairs and interest meetings held by clubs at Ohio State will provide students with ample opportunity to get involved. All across campus and throughout dorms and academic buildings are flyers and posters boasting service opportunties. While Ohio State provides many opportunities to give back to the community, Honors & Scholars students are presented with many more. Specifically within BioSci scholars, there are weekly emails that list multiple upcoming service events. Additionally, students can get involved in the medical field by volunteering or interning at clinics and hospitals.