Yo Is This Racist – C. Riddle

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Welcome to my podcast “On The Porch” featuring my friend Jacob and today we’re gonna be talking about my diary. We are gonna be conversating associating an opinion a in. That’s not a word. 

Cameron’s line only topic 1

I like to go back to when I was in middle school and it was my eighth grade English class. And I had a teacher named  Mrs. Passa, me and her did not get along. I hated her. I got in trouble one day. This is the next event pass that me and this kid got in an argument. He started making fun of me. I went back at him. I started yelling. And I’m like “why are you talking with Reebok on” and he was like “why are you talking with those dirty dreads” and then we got loud. Oh I don’t know what he is on, nobody cares about this kid. So, the second teacher told me to calm down as well. That led to me getting sent to the principal’s office, mom meeting Mrs. passa later that that day and she said 

Yes it’s in Mrs. Passa Class

so, to call me a living weapon, in the meeting with my mom

 She was white at the time(Messed Up my words)

. Yeah, no, it wasn’t like I had a bad relationship with teachers, not, it was, it was usual stuff between me and the teacher to get in trouble with  distractions in class, I don’t know why she had a problem with me, because there was other problem kids in the class. It wasn’t like I was just leading the charge and the only bad kids, there were other problem kids in the class with equal distraction. I don’t know about because I’m on a football team, or whatever. I want to know what makes, if it is something I did and just not mean being dread. 

 What did your mother have to say? So my mother and mother did not. Yeah, my mother was not too happy. She’s got the principles called wildness passing. Remember Allison groves from our high school yet: her mom was the principal at South at the time. So she got her involved. She got Mr. winner, which was. Yeah, but he’s been in our families, for so long. He had gotten us help the last time our family was in trouble .Yeah. So, Mrs. Passa , unfortunately did not get any repercussions at all for my actions. I don’t think I think maybe if they said it happened again she might get fired. But that was her only “problem” she had in the school. There were other parents and their kids that also had possible problems. So like they were, she was telling them that their kid who had the same teacher and their families were told the same thing. 

There were two people in my class. There was also the true bad kid; he was also black(David) and his friend was white. Everyone else kept enough distance from her not to get harassed like I did.(Rambling)

 But, CNN actually has a good article that talks about other students. A lot of student athletes who have been pulled aside for their hair. I’ve seen ….

So an article is having incidence across the country in Kentucky, Louisiana in New Jersey and Texas. So it doesn’t say where this kids High School is but just this year Deandre Arnold couldn’t walk across the stage because he has dreadlocks. (Rambling)


Cameron’s Line only line 2(5:30)

Secondary I want to focus on is my diary 2, where we went over to Tyler house after my State vacation. We went canoeing and we were talking to Clark …

Quarantine Joke

We went to Tyler’s house, and we met Clark and the whole family. 

To introduce Clark and Political joke 

Finally finish telling the story and he said, “I’ve never seen boys like your color on the water”. I said to Clark “Blacks swim one all the time” and then he said, “No, I’m not trying to sound offensive. But, I come from an era where blacks were not allowed to swim”, and it caught me off guard, because at first I thought it was challenging and then when he said that, I thought we were not going to talk about it.(Rambling)

 But, oh yeah he retreated and I thought he hit the retreat button. 

 But he talked about how he was in the navy and how most Black when they joined couldn’t swim and a lot of black’s came from the inner city and so when we had that conversation about white flight, and how during those time periods; It was a privilege to swim. So over marches and beating but eventually got swimming pools, hot girl summer happened. It was just refreshing to have a conversation with somebody who didn’t know who didn’t know about this social injustice


The social injustice of swimming is a simple activity. We as kids were taken to the YMCA. I saw a pool. I’ve been, you know, I was a lifeguard. So, I’m talking about social norms, I’m really breaking them. 

It was it was fun, because, number one, I can swim better than other people and as soon as you have that feeling, and you’re the one of the only black person like you like aren’t the norm is already broken but I do remember the jokes about Blacks not swimming but I thought that was weird because my whole family can swim and it was always like, I was curious at first because I was like my whole family. My dad was my grandpa and was in the military. So he knows. My dad knows me. Not at all. Or my family because everyone was around the country. You’re so weird. You know you can’t stop people from coming to a lake you can hate them from coming there might slow them down but you can’t fill up a lake with cement. You might slow him down but you can’t fill up a lake. So, that’s weird so maybe, you know, maybe that’s a social injustice my family through generations got to dodge because we are in the country.  It says during the 1930s in this article NPR named “ Racial History of America Swimming Pool”, in the 30s, they started filling up the pools. So, pretty much. When that’d be like right when this is parents. I don’t know how old Clark’s parents were in the late 1920s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. No, I’m saying his parents. Yeah, he lives in the city, and he said his family stayed because he wasn’t part of white flight, like, remember he lived through the changing period where Blacks started moving in.

(Rambling On and more Jokes)

And definitely right before this whole narrative of this election where everybody goes to the radical side you know two topics On The Porch about social justice discrimination against Black hair and then the second mistreatment of blacks in the 1920s through 1940s and Still to this day of Blacks not being able to swim. Jacob, thank you for coming. 

Final Thought

What are some of the takeaways from the podcast?

What are some of your favorite moments of the Podcast?

Do you have any situation similar?

Did you find the On The Porch entertaining?

Work Cited:

Intro: begin talking about diary assignments. 

Diary Questions? 

(6)Yo, is this racist I was called a Living Weapon?


There has been evidence of this injustice throughout America in a CNN article throughout students.


(2)Yo, is this racist I assumed a middle aged republican wouldn’t want to talk about injustice in the inner city?


A cite named  NPR has a article titled “Racial History of American Swimming Pool” 




Podcast: On the Porch

Partner: Jacob Olinger

  • White
  • 21
  • Male 
  • Not A Student

Audio Version