Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned From This Week (Vol. 12)

Here are the ten(ish) links I learned from this week:

  1. Video: What Can People Do to Get Better at Learning? (The Atlantic)
  2. How to change someone’s mind, according to science (The Washington Post)
  3. Every single Democratic superdelegate, in one chart (Vox)
  4. Is Guantanamo a Terrorist Recruitment Tool? (The Atlantic)
    1. Further Reading: The fatal flaw in Obama’s plan to close Guantanoamo Bay (Vox)
  5. Caucus and Primary Updates
    1. Nevada Democratic Caucus, February 20: Winner = Hillary Clinton
    2. Nevada Republican Caucus, February 23: Winner = Donald Trump
    3. South Carolina Republican Primary, February 20: Winner = Donald Trump
    4. South Carolina Democratic Primary, February 27: Winner = Hillary Clinton
  6. Discussion: Can Republicans Stop Trump?
    1. The rise of Donald Trump is a terrifying moment in American politics (Vox)
    2. Republicans’ Last-Ditch Hope To Stop Donald Trump (FiveThirtyEight)
    3. The Republican Party is broken (Vox)
  7. An Elegy for the Jeb Bush Campaign (The Atlantic)
    1. Further Reading: Jeb Bush’s Path to Defeat Began a Year Ago (FiveThirtyEight)
"Donald Trump" by Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

“Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)

One thought on “Informed Weekend: 10 Links I Learned From This Week (Vol. 12)

  1. Regarding the research of how simple it may or may not be to change someones mind by the Washington post. A very interesting research study that deals a lot with phycology, egos, perception and just overall knowledge of a subject. They are starting with the people that often change their mind. people that still have a voice but may not know the entirety of a situation. Seeing a different perspective causing them to change their mind. The fact that they went into not only the meaning of words but what they are perceived as is a very interesting topic for me. people often refer to some words as just attacking; for example using the word “you” the meaning of the word is simple and harmless but it can most times be perceived as being an attacking word. A very interesting study.

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