It’s time for the second installment of the Informed Weekend series. Here are the ten articles that I’ve learned from this week:
- The next president will have a huge impact on climate policy – even without Congress (Vox)
- Facebook Study Disputes Theory of Political Polarization Among Users (The New York Times)
- Related: Users are Main Filters of Political Content on Facebook (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
- No, Chris Cuomo, the Constitution doesn’t let the government ban hate speech (Vox)
- The 2016 Presidential Race: A Cheat Sheet (The Atlantic)
- U. S. Split Along Racial Lines on Backlash Against Police, Poll Finds (The Wall Street Journal)
- The Audacity of Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina (The Atlantic)
- The GOP presidential field is unusually diverse. But the party’s agenda isn’t (The Washington Post)
- Hillary just took a stunningly aggressive stance on immigration reform (Vox)
- How ‘Negative Partisanship’ Has Transformed American Politics (New York Magazine)
- Student Loan Facts They Wish They Had Known (The New York Times)
What do you think about this series? Leave your comments below.