Studio Practice – Amy Youngs


Spring 2021 Juried Exhibition of Student Works

ART 4901: Studio Practice

w/ Instructor Amy Youngs

Luke Stephens, Stellar Core browser-based game made with Blender, Unity, and Discord.
watch the “making of” video.

Ben Conrad, Misha animation made with Cinema 4D

Lilly Rakas, Wistar Artists’ Colony
– Video documenting the creation of installation of rat habitat. Visit twitch livestream.

Chancis Green, Dysnomia’s Affliction – 2D animation

Trevor Haacker, Tooth Chip, GhostCar – 3D animated music video

Jet Ni, 兔兒神社 (Tù’er Shén Shè/Shrine of the Leveret Spirit)
– video documenting the process of creating 3D modeled images.

Bilal Khan, Town of Hollow – 3D animation

Jordan Chase, In the Absence of Hands You Will Hold Second Best
– video documenting the making of a comic.

Ziying Ye, China 2045 – 3D world created in Blender, After Effects, Premiere Pro

Mayen McClain,Reliving a Time – video documenting a game experience.

Angel Lam and Wendy Liu, WOMB
video documenting the making an installation with fabric, animation, and audio.

Lindsey Bradley, Doodle Face
custom-made Instagram Filter