Area News


Welcome back to the Autumn 2024

  • Dr. Gyeongcheol Cho was awarded the 2024 Dissertation Prize from the Psychometric Society for his dissertation:
    • Cho, G. (2023). Constructs may or may not be latent: Studies on two domains of structural equation modeling [Doctoral dissertation, McGill University]. McGill eScholarship. [link]
  • He also received the 2024 Best Paper Award from The International Society for Data Science and Analytics (ISDSA) for his paper:
    • Cho, G., & Hwang, H. (2023). Deep Learning Generalized Structured Component Analysis: An Interpretable Artificial Neural Network Model with Composite Indexes. Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal31(2), 265–279. [link]

Over the summer:

  • Dr. Jolynn Pek has returned to our program after a short sabbatical last semester.
  • Dr. Alexander Wasserman has left our program to accept a tenure-track lecturer position in the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan.
  • Over the summer, Shannon Jacoby and Frank Leyva Castro officially graduated from our program. We wish them success in their future careers.

Welcome back to the Autumn 2023

  • Welcome our new Quantitative Faculty, Dr. Gyeongcheol Cho who joins us from McGill University!
  • Welcome Dr. Marco Chen who is a postdoctoral fellow funded by the President’s’ Postdoctoral Scholars Program
  • Dr. Paul De Boeck has become Emeritus Professor, after serving as faculty at OSU for 11 years. We will miss you dearly!
  • Dr. Jolynn Pek was awarded the 2022-2023 Fred Brown Award from the OSU Department of Psychology for the paper
    • Flake, J. K., Davidson, I., J., Wong, O., & Pek, J. (2022). Construct validity and the validity of replication studies: A systematic review. American Psychologist, 77(4), 576–588.

Over the summer:

  • Jacob Coutts, Kathryn Hoisington-Shaw, and Diana Zhu successfully defended their dissertations and graduated.
    • Jacob has taken a position at University of Maryland College Park in the Department of Psychology
    • Kathryn and Diana remain local to Columbus, taking up positions at Nationwide
  • Inhan Kang took on a tenure-track position at Yonsei University in the Department of Psychology
  • Kathryn Hoisington-Shaw has a paper in press at Psychological Methods based on her first-year project
    • Pek, J., *Hoisington-Shaw, K. J., & Wegener, D. T. (in press). Uses of uncertain statistical power: Designing
      future studies, not evaluating completed studies. Psychological Methods.

Welcome back to the Autumn 2022 Semester!

Over the summer our students have been busy!

  • Ivory Li, Selena Wang, and Inhan Kang all successfully defending their dissertations and graduated. Ivory accepted a full time position at J.P. Morgan, Selena began a postdoc position at Yale University, and Inhan began a postdoc at OSU in the Psychology Department. Congratulations Dr. Li, Dr. Wang, and Dr. Kang!
  • Jacob Coutts won first place for his research presentation at the Hayes Research Forum.
  • Jacob, Kathryn Hoisington-Shaw, and Diana Zhu presented multiple research projects at the Association for Psychological Science’s Annual Conference in Chicago, IL, as well as at the Quantitative Methodology Center Conference at OSU.
  • Shannon Jacoby and Frank Leyva Castro successfully completed their first year at OSU!

The Quantitative Psychology Area is Hiring

The Quantitative Psychology Area is off to a fantastic start of 2021!

  • Dr. Paul De Boeck was announced as the 2021 recipient of The Career Award for Lifetime Achievement by The Psychometric Society. More details of this prestigious honor can be found on The Psychometric Society’s website.
  • Inhan Kang and Yiyang Chen both received the Summer Research Excellence Award.
  • Jacob Coutts, Diana Zhu, and Kathryn Hoisington-Shaw successfully passed their candidacy exams.
  • Kathryn Hoisington-Shaw started a position in the Nationwide Center for Advanced Customer Insights and published the following paper:
    • Hoisington-Shaw, K. J., & Pek, J. (2021). Using dynamic graphics to teach the sampling distribution with active learning. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 17(2), v1–v9. doi:10.20982/tqmp.17.2.v001

2020 has been a difficult year, but there were many wonderful accomplishments to celebrate in the Quantitative Psychology Area!


  • Dr. Nancy Betz, Emeritus Professor, was the recipient of the 2020 APA Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Independent Practice.
  • Dr. Seo Wook Choi successfully defended his dissertation and earned his PhD in Quantitative Psychology!
  • Inhan Kang published two papers:
    • Kang, I., & Ratcliff, R. (2020). Modeling the interaction of numerosity and perceptual variables with the diffusion model. Cognitive Psychology, 120.
    • Kang, I., Ratcliff, R., & Voskuilen, C. (2020). A note on decomposition of sources of variability in perceptual decision-making. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 98.
  • Ivory Li successfully passed her candidacy exam.
  • Selena Wang was the recipient of the Ray Travel Award and successfully passed her candidacy exam.
  • Jacob Coutts earned both his Master of Applied Statistics and Master of Science in Psychology degrees, along with receiving the position of PSYCH 100 Graduate Student Coordinator, and published a paper:
    • Hayes, A. F., & Coutts, J. J. (2020). Use omega rather than Cronbach’s alpha for estimating reliability. But…. Communication Methods and Measures14(1), 1-24.
  • Diana Zhu also earned both her Master of Applied Statistics and Master of Science in Psychology degrees.
  • Kathryn Hoisington-Shaw earned her Master of Applied Statistics degree, had an entry accepted for the SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Design, and accepted a graduate research associate position for the Nationwide Center for Advanced Customer Insights!
  • Nadja Ging Jehil successfully passed her candidacy exam, published a review article on computational psychiatry in Psychological Bulletin, and extended her SNSF graduate research fellowship for an additional 6 months.