Playing Pandaemonium by Lilly Chen

Lilly Chen (English ’22) exhibits her remarkable creativity and artistic skill in this RPG-inspired adaptation of Milton’s Paradise Lost:

For Paradise Lost by Milton, I made some mock-ups for a game, where the player is Satan and has to decide on what he is going to do based on the advice he hears.

Galvanized by Gustave Doré’s nineteenth-century illustrations of Milton’s poem, Lilly breathes new life into Milton’s devils for a modern audience.


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Lilly Chen is a second-year English major with a concentration in Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy. She’s not exactly certain what future career awaits her but would love to be involved with creating fiction professionally some day. She enjoys drawing in her free time, which had influenced the portfolio decisions quite a bit. She’s currently working on a webcomic right now, which she plans to launch soon!

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