Graduation Requirements

Attainment of a PhD requires successful completion of the requirements that were in place at the time of admission to the program. Students may petition for alterations to the plan of study under which they were admitted. Otherwise, the plan of study will be followed in making determination of student completion of requirements. The handbook in place at the time of your admission provides additional information regarding each requirement. Other sources of information include the Graduate School Handbook and College of Nursing faculty, specifically major advisors and the Director of the PhD Program.

The requirements for graduating with a PhD can be found in the Graduate School Handbook. In addition to the requirements of the Graduate School, students must successfully complete the following:

  • Nursing science major course work (completed before candidacy)
  • Cognate minor course work (minimum of 6 credit hours; completed before candidacy)
  • Elective course work (if required at the time of admission, minimum of 9 credit hours; 3 credits may be completed during candidacy)
  • Research residency (minimum of 3 or 6 credit hours depending on year of admission)
  • Program compliance requirements
  • Submission of completed annual review materials for each year of enrollment
  • Submission of at least:
    • One grant application to support the dissertation study
    • Two manuscripts for publication, with at least one recognized as first author
    • Scientific presentation of at least one paper or poster at a local, regional, or national conference
    • Examples of supporting documentation of these requirements include:
      • Emails documenting manuscript or grant submission
      • Manuscripts or grants downloaded from submission system
      • A published paper
      • Citation from PubMed with DOI
  • One guest lecture in a collegiate course in the College of Nursing or other department(s)
  • College of Nursing Residency Requirement (both pre-candidacy and post-candidacy)
    • Pre-candidacy: A minimum of two consecutive pre-candidacy semesters or one semester and a summer session with full time enrollment. Full-time enrollment is defined as follows for the purposes of this requirement:
      • For students receiving funding from the university (fellowships) or College of Nursing (as GRAs or grant funding, as an example): 12 credits in autumn and spring semester, 6 credits in summer session
      • For students attending full-time but paying for their own tuition and fees: 12 credits in autumn and spring semester, 4 credits in summer session
      • For students attending part-time but paying for their own tuition and fees: 8 credits in autumn and spring semester, 4 credits in summer session
      • Any questions about this requirement should be directed to the Program Director and Program Manager.
    • Post-candidacy: A minimum of six graduate credit hours over a period of at least two semesters or one semester and a summer session after admission to candidacy
  • Complete at least 6 credits of Nursing 8999 (Dissertation) over the course of two semesters. Supporting documentation for this requirement is your Ohio State advising report, downloadable from Buckeyelink.
  • Candidacy examination (written and oral)
  • Dissertation proposal defense (written and oral)
  • Dissertation completion and oral defense

Yearly documentation of progress toward these requirements is expected in the Yearly Evaluation. In addition, the PhD Graduation Checklist containing the items listed above, with supporting documentation, needs to be submitted to the PhD Program Director and Graduate Program Manager at least two weeks prior to submission of the application to graduate. The College of Nursing will need to review the checklist and accompanying documentation before signing off on your application to graduate. Thus, you should plan to submit your application to graduate in Grad Forms and your documentation at least one semester ahead of the Graduate School deadline in order for the review to be conducted and your application to graduate approved in a timely manner.