Research Residency

Students are required to complete one semester of research residency for a minimum of 3 credit hours; the 3 credits can be divided over multiple semesters and additional residencies are allowable. The purpose of a research residency is to enhance the research training of doctoral students through participation in on-going research of one or more graduate faculty members and contribution to these research projects. These experiences can take many forms including data collection, data cleaning, data analysis, protocol development, literature review for grant submission, completion of manuscripts based on research projects, etc. The student and the advisor should discuss possible residencies early and often.

The research residency requirement can be met by the student while participating in the on-going research of a graduate faculty member; faculty for residencies must hold Graduate Faculty P or M status in their home college (nursing, medicine, etc). Ideally, the residency involves work of the faculty advisor and is closely related in some fundamental way to the work the student is proposing. The residency should advance the learning of the student. Each semester of the research residency the student must spend a minimum of six hours a week involved with the research experience (i.e. 2 contact hours for each credit hour). A student must enroll for a minimum of 1 credit of N8980 per semester to earn credit for the residency requirement; a minimum total of 3 credits is required.

The actual research residency is developed by the student and the major academic advisor and the faculty with whom the residency is undertaken. The experiences may or may not be related to the student’s research area of interest but should build upon the prior research expertise of the student and facilitate the accomplishment of the residency goals as defined by the student and advisor.

The student is responsible for submitting a written plan including measurable objectives for each residency, which has been approved by the advisor and the faculty with whom the residencies are undertaken, to the director of the PhD program no later than the end of semester that precedes the planned residency. The student and the advisor are responsible for submitting an evaluation of the experience at the end of the research residency to the Director of the PhD program. If there are any changes in the plan, the student must notify the Director of the PhD program.

The form for registration and evaluation can be found on Beacon. The requirements for the residency that are required in Beacon can be found here. You may want to ask the Director of the PhD program to review your residency activities and objectives before you submit on Beacon to avoid delays in registration. The residency instructor, the advisor, the PhD Program director, and the Graduate Program Manager will all need to review and approve the residency before you are allowed to register for the course.

Once the registration form has been completed and approved, enrollment will be completed by the Graduate Program Manager.