Images of Peach Pests
- Stink bugs
- Borers
Click on an image to view the full size photo with a detailed caption.
Slide Shows
- Slide Show: Peach Pest Management (2008)
- Slide Show: Management of Borers in Peach Trees (2007)
- Slide Show: San Jose Scale Management (2008)
- Slide Show: Orchard spray rates: How to Decide the Amount of Water & Insecticide to Use on Fruit Trees (2016)
- Slide Show: Orchard Pesticide Spray Rates (2007)
- Slide Show: Tree Fruit Insect Management News (2010)
- Slide Show: Tree Fruit Pest and Insecticide Update (2009)
Guest Presentations
- Slide Show Reduced Risk Peach Arthropod Management Programs in New Jersey – Peter Shearer, Rutgers University
- Slide Show Managing Troublesome Peach Arthropod Pests – Peter Shearer, Rutgers University
- Slide Show Reduced Risk Insect IPM Programs for Apples – Peter Shearer, Rutgers University