- News on insecticides for vegetable & fruit crops, 2019-2020
- Summary of insecticide registration changes, by crop, 2015-2019
- News on insecticides for vegetable & fruit crops, 2018-2019
- List of mite control pesticides for veg crops (2018)
- List of mite control pesticides for fruit crops and hops (2018)
- List of insect management products allowed for organic crops (2019)
For older insecticide information, click here.
Research Reports
- Research Report: Efficacy of Biorational and Natural Insecticides for Vegetable Pest Management (2006)
- Research Report: Evaluation of Biorational and Natural Products for Vegetable Crop Management in Commercial Market Gardens and Home Gardens (2005)
Slide Shows
- Narrated slide show: Insecticides & insect pests on fruit crops (15.5 minutes, January 2021)
- Narrated slide show: Insecticides & insect pests on vegetable crops (13 minutes, January 2021)
- Slide show: Vegetable & Fruit Insect Management News (Nov. 2019)
- Slide show: Vegetable & Fruit Insect Management News (Feb. 2019)
- Slide show: Vegetable & Fruit Insect Management News (Feb. 2018)
- Slide Show: Vegetable Insecticide Update (2017)
- Slide Show: Tree Fruit Insecticide Update (2017)
- Slide Show: Vegetable & Fruit Insecticides (2016)
- Slide Show: Vegetable and Fruit Insecticide Update (2015)
- Slide Show: Pesticide Applicator Training: Insect Management on Vegetable and Fruit Crops (2008)