Images of Codling Moth
- Adult
- Larva
- Tunneling
- Tunneling
- Tunneling
- Tunneling
- Entrance hole
- Entrance hole
- Entrance hole
- Entrance hole
- Entrance hole
- Entrance and exit holes
- Entrance hole
- Entrance hole
- Entrance hole
Click on an image to view the full size photo with a detailed caption.
Trap Reports
Apple Pests
- How to keep apple fruit worm free (2019)
- How to Keep Apples Worm Free (2017)
- Managing Codling Moth in Ohio Apples (2017)
- Traps for Monitoring Apple Pests in Ohio (2017)
- Drawings of Natural Enemies of Pests in Ohio Orchards (1997)
Research Reports
- Apple Insecticide Trial, 2018 (final report)
- Apple Insecticide Trial, 2017 (preliminary report)
- Apple Insecticide Trial, 2016 (preliminary report)
- Apple Insecticide Trial, 2015 (final report)
- Apple Insecticide Trial, 2014 (preliminary report)
- Apple Insecticide Trial, 2013 (final report)
- Codling Moth Apple insecticide Trial, 2012 (final report)
- Codling Moth Apple Insecticide Trial, 2011 (preliminary report)
- Codling Moth Management by Insecticides in Ohio Apple Orchards, 2010 (preliminary report)
- Codling Moth Management by Insecticides in Ohio Apple Orchards, 2009 (final report)
- Codling Moth Management by Insecticides in Ohio Apple Orchards, 2008 (final report)
- Granulosis Virus for Codling Moth Management in Ohio Apple Orchards (2008)
- Codling Moth Management by Insecticides in Ohio Apple Orchards (2007)
- Codling Moth Management by Insecticides in Ohio Apple Orchards (2006)
- Efficacy of Rynaxypyr Insecticide for Control of Codling Moth in Ohio Apple Orchards (2006)
- Granulosis Virus for Codling Moth Management in Ohio Apple Orchards (2006)
- Integrated Control of European Red Mite in Ohio Apple Orchards (2006)
- Integrated Control of Codling Moth and Mites in Ohio Apple Orchards (2005)
- Codling Moth Management in Ohio Apple Orchards by Multiple Insecticides (2004)
- Ohio Trial on Codling Moth in Apples (2003)
- Codling Moth and Mite Management in Three Ohio Apple Orchards (2003)
- Integrating Mite Control by Predators with Insect Control by Pyrethroids in Apple Orchards (2001)
Slide Shows
- Slide Show Orchard spray rates: How to Decide the Amount of Water & Insecticide to Use on Fruit Trees (2016)
- Slide Show Tree Fruit Insect Management News (2010)
- Slide Show Tree Fruit Pest and Insecticide Update (2009)
- Slide Show How to Produce Worm-free Apples (2008)
- Slide Show Orchard Pesticide Spray Rates (2007)
- Slide Show Apple Pest Management Using an Organic Approach (2007)