
Fun with concept maps

Prior to starting this job, I had only limited use for concept maps (also known as mind maps).  In fact, I think I last used a concept map in 8th grade English class to organize my thoughts for an in-class essay.  Apart from serving as a great way to help anyone organize ideas for an assignment or a project, concept maps can serve as educational tools that allow instructors to demonstrate relationships between concepts and assess students’ understanding of these relationships.

Below is an example of a concept map that I created using a software know as CMAP.  This is a very simplified (and a bit messy) concept map that reflects my life as a politics junkie.


Political power in the US - the several forms of political power in US and their relationships


CMAP is not the most user-friendly software to use right out of the gate if one is just getting started with concept mapping.  It takes a little time to discover all of the features available for use.  There are, however, some great online video tutorials on the use of CMAP.  I have added two of these below.  The first video is probably the best example to use in an academic setting, but the second video demonstrates how to incorporate media such as images and videos into your concept map.

Concept Map Software Demo – CmapTools from ctlfurman on Vimeo.

CMAP is certainly not the only means to create a concept map.  Another free program to use is, which is a web-based concept mapping program that is a little more attractive and easier to use than CMAP.  Below is a concept map that I created using

You can view a short tutorial on how to get started using here (while listening to a charming British accent):

Finally, a third great concept mapping program available is Mindjet.  Mindjet is not a free software, but you can sign up for a 30 day free trial.  One of the best features of Mindjet is that it allows one to work simultaneously with colleagues.  See the link below to sign up for a free trial and download the software.

Here is a series of video tutorials on the use of Mindjet.

Here is a link to a concept map that I created using the Mindjet software.  The functionality is easy to use, and users can add media such as photos, weblinks, and video to their maps – even using the free version of the software.

Four Principles of Biomedical Ethics

An Experiment in Uploading

This is designed to test how documents of various forms upload to my blog.  I’m starting with a simple Microsoft Word document.

N6430 module 5 assignment

And now I’ll try a photo file.


Now let’s add a video file, shall we?

Here is a video taken in the High Street in Eisenstadt, Austria.

iPhone 10-28-13 016

Continue reading An Experiment in Uploading