Videos and resources now available from August 14 event “Legal Considerations for Woodland Owners-Virtual Day in the Woods”

From Dave Apsley, OSU Extension

Meeting Recording: Zoom Meeting Recording

  • Timber Theft and Trespass in Ohio – James S. Savage, Esq. and Mark Rickey, Service Forester, ODNR-Division of Forestry (Start at the beginning of the video)
  • Ohio Fence Line Law, recreational user laws and other issues facing Ohio woodland owners-Peggy Kirk Hall, Associate Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law, Ohio State University Extension, and Amy Milam, Director of Legal Education, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation (Start at minute 51 of the video)

Mark Rickey (

Peggy Kirk Hall (, )

OSU Agricultural and Resources Law Program:

Amy Milam ( , )

James Savage ( – If interested in Ohio Woodland Owner Advocacy Group Involvement

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