The Ohio State University: College of Public Health


Need support?

The following list includes national resources that provide support and assistance. For a comprehensive list, also visit

LGBTQ Mental Health

  • LGBT National Help Center: provides peer-support, community connections and resource information to people with questions regarding sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
  • The Trevor Project: provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention services for LGBTQ young people.
    • Call TrevorLifeline at 866-488-7386
    • Text START to 678-678
    • Use TrevorChat online
  • Trans Lifeline Hotline: a peer support phone service run by trans people for our trans and questioning peers.
    • Call 877-565-8860
  • THRIVE Lifeline: a trans-led crisis text line staffed by people in STEMM with marginalized identities.
    • Text “THRIVE” to 313-662-8209
  • BlackLine: provides a space for peer support, counseling, witnessing and affirming the lived experiences of folxs who are most impacted by systematic oppression with an LGBTQ+ Black Femme Lens.
    • Call 1-800-604-5841
  • Desi LGBTQ+ Helpline for ​South Asians Mental Health Care (DeQH): free, confidential, culturally sensitive peer support, information and resources for LGBTQ+ South Asian individuals, families and friends around the globe.

General Mental Health

Food Access

  • Buckeye Food Alliance (BFA) is an equal opportunity provider that works to ensure No Buckeye Goes Hungry. BFA works to reduce the impacts of food insecurity through outreach efforts and the operation of a client choice food pantry.
    • The food pantry is open to all Ohio State Students and provides fresh produce, pantry staples, meat and dairy products, personal care items and more.  Schedule a pickup here.
    • Online ordering is the preferred method and opens 24 hours in advance. If you miss the ordering window you may still place orders in person.
  • Feeding America provides up-to-date lists of food pantries across the US., including Ohio.

Smoking/Vaping Cessation

  • This is Quitting – A text-based program to support youth and young adults to quit vaping. Join for free by texting DITCHVAPE to 88709
  • Smokefree Text Messaging Program – offers text-based programs that offer advice and tips for becoming smoke-free. Join for free, and stop anytime, by texting QUIT to 47848.
  • Ohio Quitline – Free. Work with a coach to determine the best plan for quitting and access to community resources. The Quitline will also ship Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, lozenges, or gum) directly to your mailbox! Connect with your personal coach today. Click to chatcall 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669)

Alcohol and Drug Use

  • ScreenU Alcohol is a free, confidential, alcohol risk assessment that takes 3-5 minutes to complete on a computer, laptop or mobile device) and offers immediate, personalized feedback. ScreenU Alcohol can help you quickly identify if you are experiencing negative consequences because of your alcohol use. Based on your responses, you will receive non-judgmental feedback encouraging you to think about your choices that may be putting you at risk for harmful consequences. You may also be referred to campus and community resources. Try out ScreenU Alcohol and get your anonymous results by clicking here.
  • ScreenU Prescription Drugs (Rx) is a free, confidential, prescription drug risk assessment that takes 3-5 minutes to complete on a computer, laptop or mobile device) and offers immediate, personalized feedback. ScreenU Rx can help you quickly identify if you are experiencing negative consequences because of your prescription drug use. Based on your responses, you will receive non-judgmental feedback encouraging you to think about your choices that may be putting you at risk for harmful consequences. You may also be referred to campus and community resources. Try out ScreenU Rx and get your anonymous results by clicking here.
  • ScreenU Cannabis is a free, confidential, marijuana risk assessment that takes 3-5 minutes to complete on a computer, laptop or mobile device) and offers immediate, personalized feedback. ScreenU Cannabis can help you quickly identify if you are experiencing negative consequences because of your cannabis use. Based on your responses, you will receive non-judgmental feedback encouraging you to think about your choices that may be putting you at risk for harmful consequences. You may also be referred to campus and community resources. Try out ScreenU Cannabis and get your anonymous results by clicking here.