The Ohio State University: College of Public Health




4R00CA260718-02 Patterson (PI)                   08/01/2023—07/31/2025
Testing the effect of anti-tobacco message framing on polytobacco use in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender young adults 
The goal of this career development grant is to develop effective messaging framing for anti-polytobacco messages targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender young adults.
Role: Principal Investigator

U54 Wagener/Shields (MPIs)    07/2023-06/2028
Ohio State Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science 
Major Goals: The Ohio State University Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science will examine two non-combustible nicotine product types, inhalable electronic cigarettes and dermally absorbed oral nicotine pouches. Both products have garnered criticism and praise: opponents focus on their potential risk of greater youth uptake, while advocates focus on their potential to help adult tobacco users switch to less harmful products. The projects in the Center will examine product characteristics, use patterns, and addiction potential of these two products.
Role: Co-Investigator, Project 4

NIH Loan Repayment Program Patterson (PI)         08/31/2021-08/30/2024
Testing antitobacco messages for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender polytobacco users
The goal of this career development grant is to provide the applicant with advanced skills in health communications science and psychophysiological measurement.
Role: Principal Investigator
Status: Funded



1K99CA260718-01   Patterson (PI)                          08/01/2021-07/31/2022
NIH/National Cancer Institute
Testing the effect of anti-tobacco message framing on polytobacco use in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender young adults
The goal of this career development grant is to provide the applicant with advanced skills in health communications science, psychophysiological measurement, and randomized controlled trials so as to develop effective messaging framing for anti-polytobacco messages targeting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender young adults.
Status: Funded

No Grant #     Co-PIs: Ferketich and Zettler     12/15/2019—6/30/2021
The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cancer Control Program  
Bait and Switch: Do JUUL Testimonials Constitute Switching or Cessation Claims?
The goal of this study is to assess whether JUUL “switch” claims are perceived as smoking cessation claims by young adults JUUL users and adult tobacco users.
Role: Co-Investigator

R01 CTO, RFA-OD-19-028 Co-PIs: Brinkman and Wagener  09/15/2020—09/14/2023
Waterpipe tobacco additives and their effect on human puffing behavior, toxicant exposures, pulmonary function, and appeal
I will co-lead qualitative data collection and analysis on participants’ sensory and risk perceptions of WP tobacco under varied experimental conditions, and contributed to quantitative analysis of associations between WP additives and WP users’ health risk perceptions.
Role: Other Significant Contributor
Status: Funded

1T32CA229114-01     MPIs: Shields and Weghorst     08/01/2019-07/31/2021
NIH/National Cancer Institute
Training Grant in Cancer Prevention and Control
The goal of this grant is to provide postdoctoral training in interdisciplinary research that addresses cancer prevention and control.
Role: Trainee/Post Doctoral Fellow

No Grant #     Jabson (PI)     05/31/2016-08/01/2017
University of Rochester
Healthcare providers’ knowledge and attitudes about LGBT patients’ health care needs and culturally competent care in rural healthcare settings
The goal of this student-led study was to examine the attitudes, knowledge and cultural competence of healthcare providers serving LGBT patients in rural East Tennessee.
Role: Co-Investigator

No Grant #     Jabson (PI)     05/01/2016-08/01/2016
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Healthcare providers’ knowledge and attitudes about LGBT patients’ health care needs and culturally competent care in rural healthcare settings
The goal of this student-led study was to examine the attitudes, knowledge and cultural competence of healthcare providers serving LGBT patients in rural East Tennessee.
Role: Co-Investigator


No Grant # Padamasee (PI)
The Ohio State University $25,000
Developing Community-Based Solutions to Increase Access to Breast/Chest Preventive Screenings for Sexual and Gender Minority People of Color in Ohio
The goal of this seed grant is to develop an intervention plan with actionable recommendations for culturally-responsive interventions to increase breast/chest preventive screenings for sexual and gender minority people of color in Ohio. Community Partner: The Equitas Health Institute
Role: Co-Investigator
Status: Not funded

No Grant #                                            Bermea (PI)
The Ohio State University
Developing Community-Based Solutions to Increase Access to Breast/Chest Preventive Screenings for Sexual and Gender Minority People of Color in Ohio
The goal of this seed grant is to develop an intervention plan with actionable recommendations for culturally-responsive interventions to increase breast/chest preventive screenings for sexual and gender minority people of color in Ohio. Community Partner: The Equitas Health Institute
Role: Co-Investigator
Status: Not funded

Suppl; NOT-CA-20-039      Ferketich (PI)
NIH/National Cancer Institute
Multilevel factors influencing multiple tobacco product and alcohol co-use among women living in Appalachian Ohio
This grant aims to investigate multilevel factors contributing to co-use of alcohol and tobacco in Appalachian women. As a qualitative methodologist and content expert in rural culture and women’s health, my role is to lead Study Aim 3. Parent grant# 1P01CA229143-01A1
Role: Co-Investigator
Status: Not funded           Submitted: May 2020


*mentored student/trainee research

Patterson JG, Macisco JM, Glasser AM, Wermert A, Nemeth JM. Psychosocial factors influencing smoking relapse among youth experiencing homelessness: A qualitative study. PlosOne (forthcoming)

*Lee DN, Liu J, Keller-Hamilton B, Patterson JG, Wedel AW, Vázquez-Otero C, Stevens EM. Associations between perceived source credibility, e-cigarettes, and e-cigarette ad perceptions. Prev Med Rep. 2022; 28:101862.

*Lee D, Keller-Hamilton B, Wedel A, Wagener T, Stevens E, Patterson JG. Minoritized sexual identity and perceived effectiveness of Instagram public health messaging about e-cigarettes. J Health Comm doi: 10.1080/10810730.2022.2059724

Patterson JG, Borger TN, Burris JL, Conaway M, Klesges R, Ashcraft A, Hauser L, Clark C, Wright L, Cooper S, Smith MC, Dignan M, Kennedy-Rea S, Paskett ED, Anderson R, Ferketich AK. A cluster randomized controlled trial for a multi-level, clinic-based smoking cessation program with women in Appalachian communities: Study protocol for the “Break Free” program. Addict Sci Clin Pract 2022; 17(11).

Patterson JG, Keller-Hamilton B, Wedel A, Wagener TL, Stevens EM. Responses to e-cigarette health messages among young adult sexual minoritized women and nonbinary people assigned female at birth: Assessing the influence of message theme and format. Drug Alcohol Depend 2022; 21: 109249. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109249

Keller-Hamilton B, Miranda A, LaPolt D, Stevens EM, Wedel A, Wagener TL, Patterson JG. Associations of race and ethnicity with tobacco messaging exposures and tobacco use among bisexual and pansexual women. Prev Med Rep 2022; 25: 101657. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101657

Keller-Hamilton B, Fioritto M, Klein EG, Brinkman MC, Pennell M, Nini P, Patterson JG, Ferketich AK. Visual attention to blu’s parody warnings and the FDA’s warning on e-cigarette advertisements. Addict Behav 2022; 125: 107169.

Patterson JG, Glasser AM, Macisco JM, Hinton A, Wermert A, Nemeth JM. “I smoked that cigarette, and it calmed me down”: A qualitative analysis of intrapersonal, social, and environmental factors influencing decisions to smoke among youth experiencing homelessness. Nicotine Tob Res 2021; ntab196.

Patterson JG, Hinton A, Cooper SE, Wewers Differences in quit attempts, successful quits, methods, and motivations in a longitudinal cohort of adult tobacco users by sexual orientation”. 2021; ntab116,

Hutchcraft M, Teferra AA, Montemorano L, Patterson JG. Disparities in health behaviors and quality of life in sexual minority women surviving cancer: National Health Interview Survey, 2013-2018. 2021; 8(1). PMID: 33325783

Patterson JG, LaPolt D, Miranda A, Zettler A, Berman A, Keller-Hamilton B, Roberts M, Ferketich A. Switching Stories: User testimonials on continue to contradict JUUL’s switch ≠ cessation narrative. Tob Control (online first) 2020. PMID: 33154067

Patterson JG, Russomanno JR, Jabson Tree JM. Disparities in food insecurity and food assistance at the intersection of race and sexual orientation: A population-based study of adult women in the United States. Soc Sci Med – Pop Health 2020; 12:100655. PMID: 32864410

Roberts ME, Teferra A, Keller-Hamilton B, Patterson JG, Ferketich A. Shared and Unique Risk Factors for Tobacco Use among Rural versus Urban Adolescents. Prev Med 2020; 106239. PMCID: PMC7680386

Patterson JG, Russomanno JA, Jabson Tree JM. A population-based study of food insecurity and use of food assistance resources in sexual minority women: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2014. BMC Public Health 2020; 20: 1155.

Jabson JM, Patterson JG, Beavers D, Bowen J. What is successful aging in sexual minority women? Application of the successful aging model. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 2020; gbaa130.

Russomanno JA, Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Social Media Recruitment of Marginalized, Hard-to-Reach Populations: Development of Recruitment and Monitoring Guidelines. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2019; 5(4):e14886. doi:

Jabson JM, Patterson JG. Is OMBSR feasible and acceptable for lesbian, gay and bisexual women and men? A pilot study. JMIR Mental Health 2019; 6(8): e15048. doi:

Patterson JG, Jabson Tree JM, Kamen C. 2019. Cultural competency and microaggressions in the provision of care to LGBT patients in rural and Appalachian Tennessee. Patient Educ Counsel 2019; doi:

Russomanno J, Patterson, JG, Jabson JM. Food Security and Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Individuals in the Southeast United States: A Qualitative Study. Transgender Health 2019; 4(1), 1-11. doi:

Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Sexual orientation measurement and chronic disease: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2014. Ann Epi. 2018; 28(2): 72-85. doi:

Jabson JM, Patterson JG, Kamen C. Understanding health information seeking on the Internet among sexual minority people: The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2017; 3(2): e39. doi:

Patterson JG, Jabson JM, Bowen D. Measuring sexual and gender minorities in public health surveillance. LGBT Health. 2017; 4(2): 82-105. doi:

Greece JA, Patterson JG, Kensky SA, Festa K. Incorporating practical application in graduate introductory public health courses. On the Horizon. 2015; 23(4): 309-322. doi:


*mentored student/trainee research

*Lee D, Keller-Hamilton K, Patterson J, Wedel A, Stevens E. Sexual identity and perceived effectiveness of social media message to discourage e-cigarette use in young adult sexual minority women. Poster presented at: 26th Annual UMMS Research Retreat 2021 Poster Session; October 28, 2021; Worcester, MA.

Patterson JG, Kim-Mozeleski J, Hinton A Macisco JM, Wermert A,  Glasser A, Bolkavac E,  Kemble H, Nemeth J. Modifiable factors associated with replacing tobacco for food when hungry among youth experiencing homelessness. (submitted) Society for Behavioral Medicine. Baltimore, MD. April 6-9, 2022.

Nemeth JM, Hinton A, Glasser A, Kemble H, Smith RJ, Gilson C, Caponi J, Patterson JG. NIH Science of Behavior Change (SOBC) mechanisms associated with brain injury among youth smokers experiencing homelessness. (submitted) Society for Behavioral Medicine. Baltimore, MD. April 6-9, 2022.

Patterson JG, Keller-Hamilton B, Wedel A, Wagener T, Stevens E. Assessing the impact of message theme and format on cognitive and affective responses to e-cigarette health messages among young adult sexual minority women. (submitted) Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Virtual and Baltimore, MD. March 15-18, 2022.

Nemeth JM, Glasser AM, Macisco J, Hinton A, Wermert A, Patterson JG, Sucaldito A, Gilson C, Kemble H, Garbsch E, Caponi J. Identifying Novel Motivation Phase-Specific Cessation Targets for Youth Experiencing Homelessness. (submitted) Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Virtual and Baltimore, MD. March 15-18, 2022.

Patterson JG, Macisco JM, Glasser AM, Miller LM, Nemeth JM. Facilitators of Smoking Cessation Lapse Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness. (submitted) Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Virtual and Baltimore, MD. March 15-18, 2022.

Keller-Hamilton B, Miranda A, LaPolt D, Stevens E, Wedel A, Wagener T, Patterson JG. Associations of race and ethnicity with tobacco messaging exposures and tobacco use among bisexual women. (submitted) Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. Virtual and Baltimore, MD. March 15-18, 2022.

Padamsee T, Nemeth J, Balasca C, Bijou C, Caponi J, Dang M, Kemble H, Kienzle S, Macisco J, Medero K, Patterson J, Swinehart-Hord P. Ohio’s COVID-19 populations needs assessment: Minimizing the disparate impact of the pandemic and building foundations for health equity. (submitted) American Public Health Association. Virtual and Denver, CO. October 24-27, 2021.

*Chen J, Lansing S, Noria S, Magallanes M, Koller D, Patterson JG, Whelan S, Husain S. Provider Perceived Barriers to Optimal LGBTQ and HIV Colorectal Care. American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting. San Diego, CA. April 24-28, 2021.

Patterson JG, Bowen DJ, Matthews PA, Paskett ED. Lessons learned: Developing fundable proposals to reduce cancer inequities in priority populations. (accepted) Society for Behavioral Medicine, Virtual, April 12-16, 2021. Co-sponsored by the Cancer, Health Equity, and Population Health Science SIGs.

Chen J, Lansing S, Noria S, Magallanes M, Koller D, Patterson JG, Whelan S, Husain S. Provider Perceived Barriers to Optimal LGBTQ and HIV Colorectal Care. American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting. San Diego, CA. April 24 – 28, 2021.

*Miranda A, Patterson JG, Ferketich AK, Zettler P. Changes in online tobacco company “switch” and “quit” marketing claims in response to Food and Drug Administration warning letters. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. February 24-27, 2021.

*Rumano RP, Patterson JG, Reynoso AM, Zettler P, Ferketich AK. Measuring consumer perceptions of the effectiveness of JUUL products for quitting nicotine and tobacco.  Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. February 24-27, 2021.

Patterson JG, Glasser AM, Macisco JM, Nemeth JM. “I just needed it”: A qualitative analysis of contextual factors driving homeless youths’ decisions to smoke. (accepted) Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco. February 24-27, 2021.

Bermea AM, Patterson JG, Nemeth JM. Motivations for Cigarette Smoking and Smoking Cessation among Plurisexual Youth Experiencing Homelessness. (accepted) National Counsel on Family Relations, St. Louis, MO, November 11-14, 2020

Hutchcraft M, Patterson JG, Teferra AA, Montemorano L, Backes F. A Differences in Self-Reported Health-Related Quality of Life in Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Women Surviving Cancer: 2013-2018 National Health Interview Survey. American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL, May 29-June 2, 2020. J Clin Oncol 38: 2020 (suppl; abstr e19038) doi: 10.1200/JCO.2020.38.15_suppl.e19038 (online program due to COVID-19 pandemic)

Patterson JG, Hinton A, Cooper SE, Wewers. Quit attempts, methods, and motivations in a longitudinal cohort of sexual minority adult tobacco users. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, New Orleans, LA, March 11-14, 2020. (online program due to COVID-19 pandemic)

Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Food insecurity and cigarette smoking in sexual minority women and men. Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, New Orleans, LA, March 11-14, 2020. (online program due to COVID-19 pandemic)

Macisco JM, Patterson JG, Nemeth JM. Lapse to Relapse: Homeless Youth Return to Smoking When Supportive Structures and Self-Regulation Are Weakened. Society for Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, April 1-4, 2020. (online program due to COVID-19 pandemic)

Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Online mindfulness-based stress reduction for sexual minority men: A feasibility pilot study of OM4Men. Society for Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C., March 6-9, 2019.

Jabson JM, Patterson JG. Tailoring online mindfulness-based stress reduction for sexual minority women and men: Lessons Learned. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, Las Vegas, NV, Oct 10-13, 2018.

Jabson JM, Patterson JG. Determining the feasibility and acceptability of a center for Appalachian LGBT health, training, and research: A creative application of empirical feasibility methodologies. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, Las Vegas, NV, Oct 10-13, 2018

Russomanno J, Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Facebook…Friend or Foe?: Using Facebook to Recruit Gender Minority Individuals. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association, Las Vegas, NV, Oct 10-13, 2018.

Russomanno J, Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Food Security and Gender Minority Individuals in the Southeast United States: A Qualitative Study. Society for Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA, April 11-14, 2018.

Jabson JM, Patterson JG. Online Mindfulness- based Stress Reduction Intervention for Lesbians: A Feasibility Study. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September 13-16, 2017.

Russomanno J, Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Come out for health: Coupled, rural sexual minority women’s interdependence and resultant perceptions and attitudes about health and body weight. American Public Health Association, Atlanta, GA, November 4–8, 2017.

Patterson JG, Jabson JM, Kamen C. Relationship between cross-cultural and sexual minority specific-cultural competence: A study of healthcare providers. Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA, March 30—April 2, 2016.

Jabson JM, Patterson JG, Kamen C. Health Information Seeking Among Sexual Minority People in the Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Diego, CA, March 30—April 2, 2016.

Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Number of chronic conditions in sexual minority women: A population-based study. American Public Health Association, Denver, Colorado, October 29 –November 2.

Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Stress, cortisol, and social resistance: Potential pathways to weight disparities in rural sexual minority women. Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington DC, March 30—April 2, 2016.

Greece J, Patterson JG, Kensky S, Lindsay C, Festa K, Marcum C, and Day L. Demonstrating Mastery of Competencies through Practical Application in Introductory Master of Public Health Courses: A Case Study. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, October 31—November 4, 2015.

Greece J, Day L, Patterson JG, McGrath D. Does Practice-Based Teaching Prepare Students for the Workforce? An Evaluation to Assess Long-Term Outcomes of Teaching through Practical Application. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, IL, October 31—November 4, 2015.


Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, Travel Award, New Orleans, LA. 2020.

Society for Behavioral Medicine, Distinguished Student Award, Travel Scholarship, Milwaukee, WI. 2019.

National Cancer Institute, Trainee, National Cancer Institute Summer Fellowship Program: The Principles and Practice of Cancer Prevention and Control Course. Bethesda, MD. 2017.

University of Tennessee, Chancellor’s Award, Excellence in Research, Knoxville, TN. 2017.

American Public Health Association LGBT Caucus, Grant W. Farmer Memorial Scholarship, Washington, D.C. 2016.