**Coming soon
*mentored student/trainee research
*Lee DN, Liu J, Keller-Hamilton B, Patterson JG, Wedel AW, Vázquez-Otero C, Stevens EM. Associations between perceived source credibility, e-cigarettes, and e-cigarette ad perceptions. Prev Med Rep. 2022; 28:101862.
*Lee D, Keller-Hamilton B, Wedel A, Wagener T, Stevens E, Patterson JG. Minoritized sexual identity and perceived effectiveness of Instagram public health messaging about e-cigarettes. J Health Comm doi: 10.1080/10810730.2022.2059724
Patterson JG, Keller-Hamilton B, Wedel A, Wagener TL, Stevens EM. Responses to e-cigarette health messages among young adult sexual minoritized women and nonbinary people assigned female at birth: Assessing the influence of message theme and format. Drug Alcohol Depend 2022; 21: 109249. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109249
Keller-Hamilton B, Miranda A, LaPolt D, Stevens EM, Wedel A, Wagener TL, Patterson JG. Associations of race and ethnicity with tobacco messaging exposures and tobacco use among bisexual and pansexual women. Prev Med Rep 2022; 25: 101657. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101657
Keller-Hamilton B, Fioritto M, Klein EG, Brinkman MC, Pennell M, Nini P, Patterson JG, Ferketich AK. Visual attention to blu’s parody warnings and the FDA’s warning on e-cigarette advertisements. Addict Behav 2022; 125: 107169.
Patterson JG, Glasser AM, Macisco JM, Hinton A, Wermert A, Nemeth JM. “I smoked that cigarette, and it calmed me down”: A qualitative analysis of intrapersonal, social, and environmental factors influencing decisions to smoke among youth experiencing homelessness. Nicotine Tob Res 2021; ntab196.
Patterson JG, Hinton A, Cooper SE, Wewers Differences in quit attempts, successful quits, methods, and motivations in a longitudinal cohort of adult tobacco users by sexual orientation”. 2021; ntab116,
Hutchcraft M, Teferra AA, Montemorano L, Patterson JG. Disparities in health behaviors and quality of life in sexual minority women surviving cancer: National Health Interview Survey, 2013-2018. 2021; 8(1). PMID: 33325783
Patterson JG, Russomanno JR, Jabson Tree JM. Disparities in food insecurity and food assistance at the intersection of race and sexual orientation: A population-based study of adult women in the United States. Soc Sci Med – Pop Health 2020; 12:100655. PMID: 32864410
Patterson JG, Russomanno JA, Jabson Tree JM. A population-based study of food insecurity and use of food assistance resources in sexual minority women: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2014. BMC Public Health 2020; 20: 1155.
Jabson JM, Patterson JG, Beavers D, Bowen J. What is successful aging in sexual minority women? Application of the successful aging model. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 2020; gbaa130.
Russomanno JA, Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Social Media Recruitment of Marginalized, Hard-to-Reach Populations: Development of Recruitment and Monitoring Guidelines. JMIR Public Health Surveill 2019; 5(4):e14886. doi:
Patterson JG, Jabson Tree JM, Kamen C. 2019. Cultural competency and microaggressions in the provision of care to LGBT patients in rural and Appalachian Tennessee. Patient Educ Counsel 2019; doi:
Russomanno J, Patterson, JG, Jabson JM. Food Security and Transgender and Gender Non-conforming Individuals in the Southeast United States: A Qualitative Study. Transgender Health 2019; 4(1), 1-11. doi:
Patterson JG, Jabson JM. Sexual orientation measurement and chronic disease: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2009-2014. Ann Epi. 2018; 28(2): 72-85. doi:
Jabson JM, Patterson JG, Kamen C. Understanding health information seeking on the Internet among sexual minority people: The Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS). JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2017; 3(2): e39. doi:
Patterson JG, Jabson JM, Bowen D. Measuring sexual and gender minorities in public health surveillance. LGBT Health. 2017; 4(2): 82-105. doi: