Study reveals disparities in quality of life and health behaviors among lesbian and bisexual women surviving cancer
In 2020, I was lucky to collaborate with Dr. Megan Hutchcraft, clinical fellow in Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center. Using National Health Interview Survey data, we investigated sexual orientation differences in health-related quality of life and health behaviors among women surviving cancer. Findings indicated that lesbians and bisexual women cancer survivors reported poorer quality of life and increased health risk behaviors compared to heterosexual women surviving cancer. These disparities are especially concerning, as they may exacerbate chronic disease burden and widen existing health disparities experienced by lesbian and bisexual women.
Read more on our blog at Practice & Science for LGBTQ Health Equity.
Hutchcraft ML, Teferra AA, Montemorano L, Patterson JG. LGBT Health. 2021; 8(1).