Vision Statement

Although the end of my Sophomore year was not one that I was expecting, I am still pleased with the progress I have made in my grades and study habits. Looking forward, these past few months have allowed me to go over the time I have already spent at Ohio State and further plan what I hope to achieve and accomplish in my final two years. This time away from campus has made me realize that, when we return, I’d like to be more involved in volunteering and clubs, possibly exploring other interests I have and building on them. I’d also like to find a job that could help show off the skills I have that would make me a good dentist, so possibly working with my hands or something that requires great attention to detail.

Switching Majors

Halfway through my freshman year, I decided to look into the Neuroscience major here at Ohio State. The brain and its inner workings was always something that fascinated me but I never saw Neuroscience as a possible major considering my plan of dental school. After doing my research, I found that the major had actually provided 4-year plans for those students who planned on continuing to any sort of professional school. While being a Biology major was always my plan, after looking to the various class requirements for the Neuroscience major, I found all of them to be very interesting and something I’d actually enjoy studying. Making the switch to try and become a Neuro major was a tough one because of the intimidation of the GPA requirement and the fact that the major was so much smaller than the Biology major, but I finally decided to do so after realizing that if I was to earn a degree, it would be in something I enjoyed learning about. I finally went from being a pre-neuro major to being fully in the major this past December and I’m very glad I made this decision. I’m looking forward to choosing my Neuroscience specialization and taking the associated classes!

Welcome to My E-portfolio!

Hello and welcome to my e-portfolio!

On this page, I plan on sharing the many educational experiences and memories I will have during my time here at Ohio State! I also plan on using it to reflect on the various goals I set for myself, whether it be personal, career, or other otherwise! I’m looking forward to sharing the many life lessons, career advancements, and other fun or educational opportunities I encounter whilst studying for my undergraduate degree.