Year In Review: Sophomore Year

This past year was one for the books. In terms of academics, I was finally able to reach a point in which I was happy with my grades and performance while actually enjoying what was being studied in my classes, specifically my Neuroscience classes. I feel as though this past year, I was finally able to solidify my study habits and figure out a system that works for me and provides the best results. I did face many challenges however when it came to transitioning to at-home study due to COVID-19. Being at home, I had to completely change my approach to learning and quickly adapt to the new teaching and testing styles of the professors. Even though this was a major change, it allowed me to realize that I can in fact face difficult tasks when I set my mind to them and that although it was difficult, I was able to successfully end this academic year with the grades and GPA that I was working towards. This past year has taught me that hard work does pay off and that I can’t slack off if I want to meet all of my goals.

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