Updated Goals Sophomore Year

Global Awareness

I am currently taking Spanish classes and pursuing a Spanish double major. Within the major there are different electives to choose from that focus on different Spanish cultures more closely. I am studying abroad next semester and will fully immerse myself in the culture of Spain.

Original Inquiry

The more I learn about my major, Data Analytics, the more things I can see it being applied to. I look forward to using the skills that I develop through my major to find creative solutions to problems. In my life this year I even thought of trying to turn some of the challenges that I was facing into an analytics problem to attempt to find a solution. I also hope to learn another programming language on my own next semester through online programs while I studying in Spain.

Academic Enrichment

I challenge myself in the academic work that I choose, such as taking Honors General Chemistry I when I am not majoring in anything related to Chemistry. I also can take rigorous and interesting courses outside of my major area to increase the breadth of skills I am developing. Finally, I find many of the elective choices so intriguing in my specialization of Biomedical Informatics for Data Analytics, that my plan is to take an extra elective class from that list.

Leadership development

I am developing leadership skills in Athletic Band within my section. This year in my section of 9 people, I was 1 of 4 returning members and mentored the new members. I also have been more involved in the Big Data & Analytics Association this year and hope to pursue a leadership position with in that group next year, when I will be on campus for the entire term of the positions.

Service Enrichment

I am currently involved with the Newman Center on campus. In the future I would love to become more involved there and participate in such things as service trips and the organization of Catholic Relief Services. Working with this group will help me fulfill the Jesuit values of service that were instilled in me in high school.