Learning Techniques

I have learned a lot of learning techniques in this class so far. Here are a few I have learned:

  • SMART Goals
    • The SMART goals are an easy way to set goals to help you complete your homework assignments or how to set life goals.
      • Advantages:
        • Very detailed
        • Helps breakdown large goals into smaller goals
        • Helps set goals you didn’t even know you had
        • Helps you complete your goals
      • Disadvantages:
        • Take a while to set
        • Although they are very detailed they can take awhile to set and think through everything to write or say
        • Takes time away from actually completing the task because you take time to write out the goalsHow to Write SMART Goals and Use Them at Work | Kazoo
  • Trello
    • Trello is a website or app that helps you keep track of all of your assignments, it basically is a calendar that you can input your assignments with their due dates and it will remind you when something is due.
      • Advantages:
        • You make it
        • It can be as detailed as you want
        • You can color code everything so you know what is what
        • Can different boards for different things in your life
      • Disadvantages:
        • It takes awhile to set up
        • You have to look at both your assignments on Carmen and then type them into the app
        • Here is a picture of my Trello: Trello
  • Study Scheduler
    • Study scheduler is an app on your phone that you input times to study for assignments and it will remind you to study.
      • Advantages:
        • It reminds you when to study
        • You get to set the times and what to study for
        • You can put in as many times to study as you want
      • Disadvantages:
        • Takes times to set the study times
        • If you have your phone on silent you will not get the notifications to study
        • I always forgot the times I put in to study and get sidetracked doing other school assignments15 Best Study Planner Apps (Android/IPhone) 2021

I have attached pictures of each of the technologies. I also attached a picture of my Trello account of how I separate the different topics and assignments. I have used Trello before and that is my favorite thing to use out of everything that has been introduced in this class this semester.