Columbus hosts the 39th meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics


This past August, Dr. Chaudhari served as the Meeting Chair as Columbus and OSU hosted the 39th ASB meeting with a record-setting 932 registered attendees representing a variety of fields from engineering, sports science, ergonomics to biologic ! Along with the poster symposium, podium talks, and exhibitions, the 2015 ASB meeting featured special programs, like the Women in Science Breakfast, Diversity Breakfast, and a 5K Fun Run. ASB 2015 successfully implemented a CVent event management along with a comprehensive mobile app that not only replaced a paper program, but offered features that made communication, navigating, and planning for participants simpler while allowing them to participate in contests and challenges! The meeting also allowed participants to take tours of all of the biomechanics labs around OSU, including the Movement Analysis and Performance Laboratories, Human performance lab, Movement Lab, Neuromuscular Biomechanics Laboratory, the Spine Institute, and others.


Many thanks to all of our sponsors and participants for making ASB 2015 a huge success!
