Briggs MS, Bout-Tabaku S, McNally MP, Chaudhari AM, Best T, Schmitt LC. “Frontal plane knee alignment does not correlate with frontal plane knee moments during walking and jogging in obese youth.” In: Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. Alexandria 2015. 3183.
Abrams M, Chaudhari AM. “Measures of diaphragm and transverse abdominis function in patients with chronic pelvic pain: a case series.” In: Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. Alexandria 2015. 3336.
Abrams M, Chaudhari AM. “Normal parameters for rib cage and abdominal synchrony in healthy adult females.” In: Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association. Alexandria 2015. 3335.
McNally MP, Onate JA, Borstad JD, Klingele KE, Chaudhari AMW. “Lower extremity power relationships to hand velocity during baseball pitching.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Diego 2015. 4322.
Schussler E, Grooms D, Miller M, Clifton D, Starkel C, Best T, Borchers J, Chaudhari A, Comstock RD, Cortes N, Hertel J, Hewett T, Pan X, Van Lunen B, Onate J. “Comparisson of 2-dimensional measurement of knee frontal plane projection angle in ACL injured athletes.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Diego 2015. 2705.
Grooms DR, Page SJ, Nichols-Larsen DS, Chaudhari AMW, Onate JA. “Motor planning and sensory neuroplasticity after ACL reconstruction.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. San Diego 2015. 2838.
Freisinger G, Hutter E, Lewis L, Ewing J, Beal M, Granger J, Pan X, Schmitt L, Siston R, Chaudhari A. “Passive knee laxity, varus-valgus excursion during gait, and perceived instability are uncorrelated in subjects with severe osteoarthritis.” In: 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston 2014. R304.
Thompson J, Chaudhari A, Schmitt L, Wei W, Gurcan M, Best T, Siston R. “Sensitivity of model predictions of muscle forces to subject-specific quadriceps muscle parameters: Pilot study in osteoarthritic gait.” In: 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston 2014. F50.
Raabe ME, Chaudhari AMW. “The relationships between core stability and lower extremity loading while running: A simulation study.” In: 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston 2014. F152.
McNally MP, Onate JA, Chaudhari AMW. “Pain experienced by high school baseball players and time missed due to pain.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: 61st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2014.
Schussler E, Chaudhari AM, Cortes N, Best TM, Borchers JR, Grooms D, Miller MM, Starkel C, Cerne J, Onate JA. “iLESS visual estimation is a valid measure of knee valgus during drop vertical jump.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: 61st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2014.
Monfort SM, Comstock RD, Collins CL, Onate JA, Best TM, Chaudhari AM. “Association between offensive versus defensive actions and non-contact lower extremity injuries in high school sports.” In: 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston 2014.
Lustberg MB, Monfort S, Singaravelu J, Reinbold RE, Pan X, Ramaswamy B, Layman RM, Wesolowski R, Mrozek E, Macrae E, Shapiro C, Patrick R, Loprinzi CL, Chaudhari A. “Longitudinal evaluation of taxane-induced neuropathy in early stage breast cancer.” In: San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. San Antonio 2014.
Grooms DR, McNally M, Chaudhari A, Schussler E, Miller M, Young J, Starkel C, Kneisel K, Fonza C, Onate J. “The effects of stroboscopic vision on drop landing kinematics.” In: 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston 2014.
Thoma LM, McNally MP, Flanigan DC, Chaudhari AM, Siston RA, Best TM, Schmitt LC. “Loading rate during gait and stair descent for individuals with focal cartilage defects in the knee.” In: 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston 2014.
McNally MP, Lewis J, Freisinger G, Jamison S, Chaudhari A, Givens D. “Effect of pelvic position feedback on maintenance of seated pelvic posture.” In: 7th World Congress of Biomechanics. Boston 2014.
Chaudhari AM, Jamison ST, McNally MP, Pan X, Schmitt LC. “Adductor Magnus Activations During Run-to-Cut Maneuvers In Compression Shorts.” In: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2013. 2522.
Lathrop RL, Young JW, Flanigan DC, Siston RA, Chaudhari AMW. “Knee Joint Moments During Lineman-Specific Movements in American Football.” In: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2013. 645.
Yedimenko JY, Jamison ST, McNally MP, McKenzie CS, Onate JA, Chaudhari AM. “Intra- and Inter-rater Reliability of a Single-Leg Raise Test of Pelvic Sagittal Control.” In: Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2013. 732.
Lathrop R, Blazek K, Asay J, Jamison S, Schmitt L, Siston R, Andriacchi T, Chaudhari A. “Evidence for Asymmetry in Knee Adduction Moments in Healthy Populations.” In: Transactions of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2013. Vol. 38. 129.
Chaudhari AM, McKenzie CS, Best TM. “Core Stability and Strengthening: Facts and Myths.” In: Proceedings of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2011 Denver.
Chaudhari AMW. “Biomechanical Risk Factors for ACL Graft Failure.” In: American College of Sports Medicine 57th Annual Meeting. Baltimore 2010.
Chaudhari AMW, Jamison ST. “Trunk Control Influences Run-To-Cut But Not Drop-Jump Maneuvers: Implications for Studies on ACL Injury Mechanics.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine 57th Annual Meeting. Baltimore 2010.
Cotter JA, Chaudhari AMW, Jamison ST, Devor ST. “Differences in Rate of Increased Patellofemoral Joint Reaction Force in the Back Squat Exercise.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine 57th Annual Meeting. Baltimore 2010.
Givens DL, Jamison ST, Young GS, Best TM, Chaudhari AWM. “Evidence for Specificity of Training Effect after a Six Week Trunk Stabilization Exercise Program.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine 57th Annual Meeting. Baltimore 2010.
Jamison ST, Young GS, Chaudhari AMW. “Plant Foot Target Size Influences Mechanics of Unanticipated Run-to-Cut Manuever.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine 57th Annual Meeting. Baltimore 2010.
Whalen CN, Jamison ST, Young GS, Givens DL, Best TM, Chaudhari AMW. “The Effects of Resistance Training with and without Trunk Stabilization Exercises on Cutting Mechanics.” In: Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise: American College of Sports Medicine 57th Annual Meeting. Baltimore 2010.
Everhart JE, Flanigan DC, Chaudhari AMW. “The Age and Gender Specific Prevalence of Anteromedial Femoral Notch Stenosis.” In: Transactions of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. New Orleans 2010.
Jamison ST, Chaudhari AMW. “Influence of Trunk Neuromuscular Control on Run-to-Cut Maneuver: A Risk Factor for ACL Rupture.” In: Transactions of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. New Orleans 2010.
Cotter JA, Devor ST, Jamison ST, Chaudhari AM. “The Effect of Squat Load and Depth on Patellofemoral Joint Kinetics.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. State College 2009.
Jamison ST, Chaudhari AM. “The Influence of Pelvic Control on Running Mechanics.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. State College 2009.
Chaudhari AM, Jamison ST, Glendon CM, Givens DL, Best TM. “Peak Knee Adduction Moment During Walking is Correlated to Trunk Control.” In: American College of Sports Medicine 56th Annual Meeting. Seattle 2009.
McKenzie C, Chaudhari A, Borchers J, Best TM. “Pelvic Control of Professional Baseball Pitchers and Its Correlation to Pitching Performance.” In: American College of Sports Medicine 56th Annual Meeting. Seattle 2009.
Dowling A, Corazza S, Chaudhari A, Andriacchi T. “Increased Running Speed Alters Risk of ACL Injury in Healthy Subjects on a High Friction Surface.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 55th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas 2009.
Jamison S, Flanigan D, Nagaraja H, Chaudhari A. “Side-to-Side Difference in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Volume in Healthy Control Subjects.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 55th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas 2009.
Scanlan S, Chaudhari A, Andriacchi T. “Which Measures of ACL Graft Position Predict Tibial Rotation During Gait in the ACL Reconstructed Knee?” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 55th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas 2009.
Simon R, Chaudhari A. “Lateral Tibial Plateaus Have Steeper Posterior Slopes for ACL-Injured Subjects Compared to Matched Controls.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 55th Annual Meeting. Las Vegas 2009.
Siston RA, Maack TL, Van Gorp CC, Chaudhari AMW. “The Design and Validation of a Device to Intraoperatively Measure Knee Stability During Total Knee Arthroplasty.” In: Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference – 2009, PT A AND B. 373-374.
Dowling A, Corazza S, Alamin T, Chaudhari A, Andriacchi T. “Gender Difference During a Run to Cut Task on Surfaces with Different Frication Interactions: Implications for ACL Injury.” In: North American Congress on Biomechanics 2008.
Chaudhari AM, Zelman EA, Jia G, Kaeding CC, Flanigan DC, Knopp MV. “ACL-Injured Subjects Have Smaller ACLs Than Matched Controls: An MRI Study.” In: ACL Injury: The Gender Bias Research Retreat IV. Greensboro 2008.
Sammet S, Shah Z, Jia G, Cody M, Chaudhari A, Takayama Y, Kaeding C, Knopp M. “T2-Mapping of Articular Cartilage: A Potential Biomarker of Long Term Cartilage Health in Injured Knees – Study at 3T.” In: 108th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society. Washington DC 2008.
Sammet S, Shah Z, jia G, VonFischer N, Chaudhari A, Takayama Y, Kaeding C, Knopp M. “Advancing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Visualization and Volume and Shape Analysis Using 3T MR Imaging.” In: 108th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society. Washington DC 2008.
Scanlan SF, Blazek K, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Coronal ACL Graft Orientation Influences Tibial Rotation During Walking.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 54th Annual Meeting. San Francisco 2008.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “The Posterolateral Side of Tibial Plateau is Loaded Under Combined Valgus and Internal Rotation Moment During Single-Leg Landing: Implication for Non-Contact ACL Injury Mechanism.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 54th Annual Meeting. San Francisco 2008.
Zelman EA, Chaudhari AM, Flanigan DC, Takayama Y, Jia G, Sammet S, Kaeding CC, Knopp MV. “Porcine Validation of MRI-Based Measurement of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Volume.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 54th Annual Meeting. San Francisco 2008.
Zelman EA, Chaudhari AM, Jia G, Kaeding CC, Flanigan DC, Knopp MV. “ACL-Injured Subjects Have Smaller ACLs than Matched Controls: An MRI Study.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 54th Annual Meeting. San Francisco 2008.
Dowling A, Corazza S, Mundermann L, Alamin T, Chaudhari A. “Reduced Shoe-Surface Friction Can Increase the Rise of Non-Contact ACL Injury During Cutting Movements.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Stanford 2007.
McKenzie C, Chaudhari A. “Lumbar Motion During Pitching in Professional Baseball Players.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Stanford 2007.
Scanlan S, Blazek K, Schmidt J, Koo S, Chaudhari A, Dragoo J, Andriacchi T. “Relationship Between Knee Flexion Moment and Early Cartilage Changes in the ACL Reconstructed Knee.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Stanford 2007.
Scanlan S, Chaudhari A, Blazek K, Schmidt J, Dragoo J, Andriacchi T. “Sagittal ACL Graft Orientation Influences Passive and Dynamic Anterior Tibial Translation.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Stanford 2007.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. “The Influence of Patellar Ligament Insertion Angle on Quadriceps Usage During Walking in ACL Reconstructed Subjects.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Stanford 2007.
Nnewihe A, Chaudhari A, Corazza S, Muendermann L, Boyer K, Andriacchi T. “Dependence of Knee Kinetics on Inertial Model of the Shank During Run-to-Stop Movements.” In: International Society of Biomechanics XXIst Congress. Taipei 2007.
Chaudhari AM, Scanlan SF, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. “Alterations of Secondary Knee Motion During Walking After ACL Reconstruction.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 53rd Annual Meeting. San Diego 2007.
Chaudhari AM, Scanlan SF, Dyrby CO, Andriacci TP. “ACL Sagittal Plane Angle and its Relationship to Gender.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 53rd Annual Meeting. San Diego 2007.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “The Sensitivity of Anterior Tibial Translation to Quadriceps Contraction is Higher in ACL Injured Knees.” In: Orthopaedic Research Society 53rd Annual Meeting. San Diego 2007.
Corazza S, Mundermann L, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “A Framework for the Functional Identification of Joint Centers Using Markerless Motion Capture, Validation for the Hip Joint.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Blacksburg 2006.
Mundermann L, Mundermann A, Corazza S, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Phasing of Trunk Motion is Critical for the Efficacy of Gait Retraining Aimed to Reduce Knee Loads.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Blacksburg 2006.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. “Large Patellar Ligament Insertion Angle Following ACL Injury Causes Large Quadriceps Reduction During Walking.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Blacksburg 2006.
Chaudhari AM, Koo S, Scanlan SF, Andriacchi TP. “ACL Graft Sagittal Plane Orientation Influences Anterior-Posterior Translation During Walking.” In: ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. Amelia Island 2006.
Chaudhari AM, Scanlan SF, Andriacchi TP. “ACL Reconstruction Does Not Fully Restore Knee Kinematics During Walking.” In: ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. Amelia Island 2006.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “The Effect of Lateral Tibial Tunnel Movement of Single Bundle ACL Reconstruction & The Effect of Double Bundle Reconstruction on the Internal Rotation During Dynamic Single-Leg Landing.” In: ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. Amelia Island 2006.
Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, D’Lima DD, Colwell CW, Andriacchi TP. “A Direct Test of the Relationship Between Medial Compartment Load and the Knee Adduction Moment Using an Instrumented Knee.” In: Transactions of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Chicago 2006.
Mundermann L, Mundermann A, Corazza S, Lin T, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Gait Retraining to Reduce Medial Compartment Load at the Knee Assessed Using Markerless Motion Capture.” In: Transactions of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Chicago 2006.
Scanlan SF, Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. “Compensatory Muscle Moments in ACL-Deficient Subjects Reduce Anterior Tibial Translation During Stair Ascent.” In: Transactions of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Chicago 2006.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. “Influences of Patellar Ligament Insertion Ankle on Quadriceps Usage During Walking: Effect of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficit.” In: International Symposium on Ligaments & Tendons VI. Chicago 2006.
Mundermann L, Corazza S, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP, Sundaresan A, Chellapa T. “Measuring Human Movement for Biomechanical Applications Using Markerless Motion Capture.” In: IS&T/SPIE 18th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology. San Jose 2006.
Chaudhari AM, Shin CS, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. “Patellar Ligament Insertion Angle Influences Quadriceps Use During Stair Climbing: Effect of an ACL Deficit.” In: International Society of Biomechanics XXth Congress. Cleveland 2005.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Combined Valgus and Internal Rotation Moments Starin the ACL More Than Either Alone: Implications for Non-Contact ACL Injuries.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Cleveland 2005.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Combined Valgus and Internal Rotation Moments Strain the ACL More Than Either Alone: Implications for Non-Contact ACL Injuries.” In: International Society of Biomechanics XXth Congress. Cleveland 2005.
Shin CS, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Valgus Moments Increase ACL Strain in a Simulation Model: Implications for Gender Differences in ACL Injury.” In: Proceedings of the 2005 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. Vail 2005.
Chaudhari AM, Shin CS, Andriacchi TP, Withrow TJ, Ashton-Miller JA, Wojtys EM, Huston LJ. “ACL Strains are Influenced by Deceleration Forces During Activities Associated with ACL Injury.” In: Transactions of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Washington DC 2005.
Nagura T, Matsumoto H, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Significance of the Extensor Muscle Force in Deep Knee Flexion as Part of Activities of Daily Living.” In: Transactions of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. Washington DC 2005.
Mundermann L, Corrazza S, Chaudhari AM, Alexander EJ, Andriacchi TP. “Optimal Camera Configuration for a Shape-From-Silhouetter Markerless Motion Capture System for Biomechanical Analysis.” In: IS&T/SPIE 17th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology. San Jose 2005.
Mundermann L, Mundermann A, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Accuracy of Anthropometric Parameter Estimation for Human Body Segments Using 3D Shape-From-Silhouette Reconstruction with Multiple Cameras.” In: IS&T/SPIE 17th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging Science and Technology. San Jose 2005.
Mundermann L, Chaudhari AM, Alexander EJ, Andriacchi TP. “Estimation of the Accuracy of a Shape-From-Silhouette Markerless Motion Capture System.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Portland 2004.
Shin CS, Dyrby CO, Hearn BK, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Patellar Ligament Insertion Angle.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Portland 2004.
Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, Andriacchi TP. “Kinematic Factors Associated with Risk of Non-Contact ACL Injuries During Single-Limb Landing.” In: Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society. San Francisco 2004.
Chaudhari AM, Marquand AA, Hearn BK, Leveille LA, Johnson ER, Andriacchi TP. “Sport-Dependent Variations in Arm Position During Single Limb Landing Affect Knee Loading: Implications for ACL Injury.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Toledo 2003.
Chaudhari AM, Hearn BK, Leveille LA, Johnson ER, Andriacchi TP. “The Effects of Dynamic Limb Alignment on Knee Moments During Single Limb Landing: Implications for the Analysis of the Non-Contact Injury to the Anterior Cruciate Ligament.” In: Proceedings of the 2003 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference. Miami 2003.
Chaudhari AM, Hearn BK, Leveille LA, Andriacchi TP. “The Mechanical Consequences of Gender Differences Single Limb Alignment During Landing.” In: ACL Injuries – The Gender Bias Research Retreat II. Lexington 2003.
Chaudhari AM, Dyrby CO, Hearn BK, Andriacchi TP. “Dynamic Changes in Anterior/Posterior Translation and Internal/External Rotation of the Knee During Cycling.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. San Diego 2001.
Chaudhari AM, Bragg RW, Alexander EJ, Andriacchi TP. “A Video-Based, Markerless Motion Tracking System for Biomechanical Analysis in an Arbitrary Environment.” In: Proceedings of the ASME 2001 Summer Bioengineering Conference. Snowbird 2001.
MacMahon JM, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Injury Incidence, Distribution, and Severity During a Marathon Training Season – The Implications.” In: XIX International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. San Francisco 2001.
MacMahon JM, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “A Prospective Study of Iliotibial Band Flexibility and Abductor Strength – Implications for Marathon Training Success.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Chicago 2000.
Nagura T, Dyrby CO, Chaudhari AM, MacMahon JM, Alexander EJ, Andiacchi TP. “Evaluation of Dynamic Joint Loading During Rising and Descending to a Kneeling Position.” In: Proceedings of the American Society of Biomechanics. Chicago 2000.
MacMahon JM, Chaudhari AM, Andriacchi TP. “Biomechanical Injury Predictors for Marathon Runners: Striding Toward Iliotibial Band Sundrome Injury Prevention.” In: XVIII International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports. Hong Kong 2000.