The Obamascare by Max Michel

The stigma around the affordable care act has reached an all-time high. With its demise beginning after Barracks first term, thanks to rising premiums; to the rehashing of old economic and philosophical principles; to the campaign promise of repeal and replace. Obamacare is on the forefront of even the least politically involved adult that must interact with the healthcare market. Market? What is a market? How does one ‘Economics’? With the way democrats talk about Obamacare, one would think that they know the answer and that the answer is a solid science- A law per say. However, Dems fail to recognize that economics is a soft science. Markets consist of people and economics is the study of what they do within the market; and what is the number one consistent principle about human beings? We are always changing. Always adapting. This is exactly what the slow bureaucracy of Obamacare fails to recognize. Some would even say that it’s something they recognized but just didn’t care to take into consideration because Democrats wanted a reason to move towards a single payer system with Clinton, and eventually Sanders; but that’s a political conspiracy for another time. For now, I will simply present 5 reasons to fully repeal and replace.

  1. There are over 10,000,000 people in the individual market that get no ACA tax payer subsidies. This is absurd seeing how the point of Obamacare was to force the top 1% in America (roughly 4 million people) to pay for the bottom half of all income earners. So, that’s about 6,000,000 people that are getting the shortest end of the stick.
  2. In 2017 the average deductible for an individual will have increased by 25% in the 39 states using The average deductible for the, “Bronze plans” is $6,000. That’s supposed to be the cheapest plan. Guess not.
  3. End all, be all? Obamacare will end up needing $1,058,000,000,000 in tax hikes. Yes, that’s a TRILLION dollars.
  4. For 2016, the congressional budget office estimated that Obamacare would need 21,000,000 enrollees for the ACA to remain stable. That number ended at 13,000,000.
  5. Obamacare is straight up theft. There is no other way to put it. The govt is the biggest gun in America and its been used to force you to buy and sell services. How would you feel if McDonalds, a huge corporation, forced you to buy big macs every day? you’d be outraged! you’d call for govt intervention! You’d seek to stop this step towards corporatism. So, what happens when it’s the supposed protector oppressing you?

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