The Ohio State University: College of Optometry

Adventures In Sixth Semester

 And another semester is done! This semesters coursework was the most clinically oriented we have had this thus far. Classes included Systemic Diseases for Optometry, Third Party Payment Plans, Clinical Binocular Vision, and my personal favorite Advanced Contact Lenses with…

Non-traditional Summer 

This summer was almost the summer that never was because of taking a full schedule of classes. Thankfully we finished the semester and are on to fall semester. This semester was challenging but it was nice to learn more about…

Summer Season = Summer School…

Welp another semester in the books! And in about two years I will officially be an OD! After the the AOA Advocacy Conference, the semester was absolutely crazy! I first had my final proficiency of second year. This consisted of…

First Time “Optocrat” in Washington, D.C

   I remembered that in middle school we learned the School House Rock “I’m Just a Bill” which discussed how a bill gets passed through Congress. Well I finally got to see much of the process in action, minus a…

PAC, Practicals, and other Activities from My Fourth Semester

  Once the semester started, it has not stopped! It has become very busy but not in the way previous semesters were. For one  thing my fellow second years and I have officially begun seeing patients. I cannot discuss the…

Finals Time is Here…and done!

I’m finally home after a long and arduous semester. As anyone is our class would tell you, this was probably the hardest one yet in optometry school. I did learn a great deal though and much of it I will…

Third Semester’s the Charm

This semester has been non-stop and I’m glad for the small break to provide an update on what’s been going on. So most important for this semester is that my fellow second years and I are finally learning how to…

New School Year!

So I have been lax about the posting here and I apologize for that. As you can imagine, things have been pretty busy. Most important is that I completed my first year and received my white coat. I cannot tell…

Another Day

Many prospective students as well as my family and friends wonder what an average day here is like. So last Friday I kept notes on what I did and compiled them. There is some variation between the days but this…

It’s Over…for now

The semester is over and I’m finally back home! The last few weeks of the semester were a blur with exams, practicals, and finals. But happy to say I passed this semester and I can’t wait to return in January. Practicals…