Looking Forward and Looking Back
I cannot believe it, but it is time to write my last blog. I remember reading the student blogs before starting optometry school anxiously wondering what it would be like. It is hard to believe that it is over already….
Graduation Part 1
It is official, the Ohio State University College of Optometry Class of 20/20 has graduated! We are optometrists and alumni rather than students! May 3 we had our virtual graduation ceremony, which exceeded my expectations. I must admit that when…
The Elephant in the Room
Hello, all! I have been debating about writing this blog post for a long time because I could never quite decide how to write it. I considered writing a post that made no mention of COVID-19 in my own desperate attempt…
Back at the College!
Hi, all! I have so much to share with you and so little time to do it (as always)! I finished my Cincinnati VA rotation the first week of January, so I am back at the College of Optometry for…
VA Clinic
Hello! This week is the American Academy of Optometry meeting in Orlando, FL, so our clinic is essentially a ghost town. The residents and most of the doctors are at the conference, so today it was just my classmate and…
Fourth Year Life
Hi, all! I have so many things I want to share with you about the wonderful life of fourth year! Time is just flying by like always, and it is hard to believe we are already one month into our…
Time to Look Up!
Good morning, all! So you know how certain things just trigger your memory and put you back in a certain time of your life? This past week has been a whole lot of those triggers for me as we finish…
Just Press Pause
Good morning! I finally can take a few minutes to write a blog! Derek and I both said, “No blogging until after boards!” because every single minute is precious leading up to the test. I took my part I national…
Last Semester of Classes
Hello! I have been wanting to blog forever, but I have to be pretty strict in how I use my time now that it is “boards season” and the end of last semester was a whirlwind. The turn of…
Halfway Through 3rd Year
Hello, all! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I am currently sitting in shorts outside in a little courtyard near the optometry school. I felt it was necessary to supply photo evidence of a beautiful day in Ohio…