The Ohio State University: College of Optometry

First year bloggers!

What are the first couple of weeks of optometry school like? Check out our newest student bloggers–as well as Opt II, III and IV bloggers–at! (Left to right): Joan, Emily and Araba are in their fourth week of classes.

Q&A with SVOSH trip participant

  This summer, the OSU College of Optometry sent a team of students from its SVOSH club to southern Ghana. SVOSH is the student chapter of VOSH (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity), which provides eye care to underserved populations internationally….

Surviving The Gauntlet …. and Butterflies

A few weeks ago I was in the throes of an optometric gauntlet; a brutal week of 5 back to back finals over 5 days to cap off the summer semester of the second year of optometry school. The air…

Beauty at School, Beast at Home

Previously, on Derek’s extra hot world famous blog: (Blog #3) Derek: “Sometimes, school is stressful. *Giggles tee hee!*” (Blog #5) Derek: “It’s important to deal with stress from school in a healthy way! Stress Stress stress! Right?” (Blog #736) Derek: “Let’s talk about…

1/2 Doctor

In the 1978 smash hit Grease, as the movie was nearing its end, Sandra Dee (look at her!) turns to Frenchie and says, “Frenchie babe. I desperately need to ingratiate myself to unreliable 18 year old playboy Danny Zuko! So…

The Last Post of Optometry School!

I can’t believe how much has happened since my last post—the most exciting being that I completed my last day of optometry school last Thursday! I guess time got away from me with completing my last two externships and I…

Me Doctor Meow?!

“Me is doctor?!? Right meow?” This was the exact thought that coursed through my doctor brain right before I performed my first exam on a real patient. This is the eloquent refined kind of thinking that the public has come…

More To Optometry School Than Meets The Eye

We’re roughly halfway through the spring semester and I can hardly believe it! The semester started off with EѰE pledge week, acclimating to our new teachers and classes, and then quickly shifted into midterms. Before I knew it, it was spring…

Answering admissions questions

We ❤️ answering your admissions questions! Today, Justin Griest talks testing, giving the scoop on the OAT. #OSUopt #optometry #optometrystudents We ❤️ answering your admissions questions! Today, Justin Griest talks testing, giving the scoop on the OAT. #OSUopt #optometry #optometrystudents…

How to find a pre-optometry club at your undergraduate institution

Shawn Gilbert, assistant director of admissions, loves answering questions about the #OSUopt process. In this video, he talks about how to find a pre-optometry club at your undergraduate institution. Shawn Gilbert, assistant director of admissions, loves answering questions about the…