The Ohio State University: College of Optometry

Living with Uncertainty

Here we are, in the midst of COVID-19. I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams such a scenario. Us students are currently living day to day, just waiting for another email, another GroupMe message, another glimpse of hope…


Well, I have finally decompressed enough to sit down and reflect on my tumultuous spring semester as an OPT 1. Let’s just say, I didn’t start off the semester how I wanted to. I was dealing with some personal things,…

Looking Forward and Looking Back

I cannot believe it, but it is time to write my last blog. I remember reading the student blogs before starting optometry school anxiously wondering what it would be like. It is hard to believe that it is over already….

Graduation Part 1

It is official, the Ohio State University College of Optometry Class of 20/20 has graduated! We are optometrists and alumni rather than students! May 3 we had our virtual graduation ceremony, which exceeded my expectations. I must admit that when…

Counting Down with a Former Sidekick

As a child, I was raised on a healthy diet of isolation and broadcast television. These two forces combined to shape my world view into the healthy grounded state that governs my every decision as an adult (and unwittingly prepared…

The Elephant in the Room

Hello, all! I have been debating about writing this blog post for a long time because I could never quite decide how to write it. I considered writing a post that made no mention of COVID-19 in my own desperate attempt…