The End of the Beginning
Well, it would seem that this crazy journey is coming to a close. In a mere 48 hours, I will receive my diploma and don for the first time the title of Doctor of Optometry. As such, it is only fitting for my final farewell to be a sincere expression of gratitude. So to all of you, from me, here goes.
To the professors who taught me along the way
To the classmates that allowed me a place in their ranks
To the friends who filled this road with laughter
To the reps with endless bowls and platters
To the attendings who honed my clinic skills
To the staff who kept our exam rooms filled
To the patients who trusted our shaking hands
To the kiddos I never saw – despite my plans
To the TBIs that pushed me to the field I face today
To the one who encouraged me to see life her way
To my favorite felines for cuddles at night
To my many housemates for keeping house life light
To my travel buddy mother for our cramped days in the car
To my academy companions who all traveled far
To the VA docs who weren’t afraid to show me my flaws
To my brave VA fellows who accepted me – quirks and all
To my southern family for a home, food, and fun
To my patient, calm father for our 27 hour cross country run
To my Fillmore family for making it home
To the beautiful mountains for places to roam
To the ones who wrote, who visited, who called
To the ones who believed, who encouraged, who calmed…
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. You have taught me, guided me, forgiven me, trusted me, encouraged me, molded me, and loved me. You have all played a role in shaping me into the young doctor that I am today, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Til we meet again,
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