The Ohio State University: College of Optometry

It’s the Final Countdown!

Where has the time gone?! It seems like just yesterday we were all anxiously awaiting our first day of classes, or perhaps awkwardly introducing ourselves to a plethora of people, classmates, professors, upperclassmen, etc. All I know is that I’m…

Me Doctor Meow?!

“Me is doctor?!? Right meow?” This was the exact thought that coursed through my doctor brain right before I performed my first exam on a real patient. This is the eloquent refined kind of thinking that the public has come…

Last Spring Break

Hello! I cannot believe it is spring break, and the semester is nearly over! When I was shadowing optometrists, I remember them all telling me that optometry school will be the hardest thing you will ever do, but it will…

More To Optometry School Than Meets The Eye

We’re roughly halfway through the spring semester and I can hardly believe it! The semester started off with EѰE pledge week, acclimating to our new teachers and classes, and then quickly shifted into midterms. Before I knew it, it was spring…