“Eye’ll Be There For You”

”… cue the lyrics to the hit TV series Friends, but with a slight twist!


Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Pace, and I am so excited to start blogging for OSU’s optometry page.


It seems like the class of 2021 has been here for months, but in reality, we have only been here for a few weeks of class. That being said, the amount of material we’ve learned, friendships that have been made, miles travelled, bus routes taken, food consumed, and eye puns made have been numerous.


But optometry is more than just eye puns and solely eyeballs. In fact, our first day of orientation was greeted by an abundant sense of humor from one of our professors, Dr. Earley, as he joked that we would have to explain to people what our profession entails. We are more than just the doctors that ask, “Which is better, 1 or 2?” We are the primary care providers of vision, and that title endows a lot more responsibility than the general public may realize. Thus, we are entrusted with the honor of advocating for this amazing profession. We are indeed doctors, and the training we receive is highly in depth.


That being said, many of my classmates and I have already discussed the amount of responsibilities we have already acquired and will continue to take upon ourselves. The journey is a long one, but the rewards are great (at least that’s what we have in mind). So here’s to a beautiful journey filled with a myriad of opportunities, loads of laughter, a heaping amount of support, and the best effort we can put forth to help those in need. I’m overwhelmed, but mostly overjoyed, to see what the future holds.