“Eye’ll Be There For You”
”… cue the lyrics to the hit TV series Friends, but with a slight twist! Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Pace, and I am so excited to start blogging for OSU’s optometry page. It seems like the…
Hello Ohio State Optometry School!
On Move-In-Day I had many mixed emotions! I could feel the nerves flustering all over. So many different thoughts running through my mind, what will school be like? Who will I meet? Who will be my friends/peers? What will my…
Over in the blink of an eye
One and a half quarters of fourth year are already underway! How did this happen already? I have a feeling this last year is going to be over in the blink of an eye (pun intended). So far it’s been…
Genuine first impressions of the #OSUopt experience
Kirsten and Audree, members of our Class of 2021, share first impressions of optometry school in this short Instagram video. Genuine first impressions of the #OSUopt experience, courtesy of Kirsten and Audree, members of our Class of 2021. #optometryschool #optometry…
Derek vs Time
Time is an uncaring nuisance that was devised to thwart ambition. That’s a verifiable fact. I feel like I’m constantly running out of time and negating to follow through with the myriad of ideas that I come up with on…
Opt II
Good evening! I wanted to give a quick update on what it looks like to be an opt II (second year optometry student). It seems like summer didn’t even happen now that we are knee-deep in the semester already. Coming…