I Think I Need (Another) Study Break…
So, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past two semesters at The Ohio State University College of Optometry, it’s that I’m pretty terrible at studying. Just kidding. That’s not actually a new revelation; studying has never been one…
Sprint to the end – until summer semester
The semester continues to move quickly as somehow it’s now April. A lot has happened since my last post. We’ve continued to see more patients in clinic, learn new skills, and of course do a little bit of studying here…
Pelotonia 2016 (and Other Fun Activities)
Hey guys! Long time no see… 🙂 So, somehow this semester has completely flown by, and I now find myself 6 weeks from the official end of my first year at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. Holy cow….
Optometry Visit Day
It’s almost time! Twice a year the Ohio State College of Optometry sets up an Admissions Visit Day for prospective students and anyone interested in visiting the college. Faculty, staff, and current students will be on hand to give tours…
Second Semester BuckEYE!
This semester is flying by! We have been back for a little over a month, and have already had Epsilon-Psi-Epsilon pledging, ordered our equipment that we need for next year, had our first few clinic experiences, EyeBall, a few club…
First patient, ever!
Hello from the other side…. Of winter break! It’s been a few months since my last blog post and it’s time for an update. First of all, and probably most exciting, my classmates and I have started seeing our first…
First real patient, check!
As the title suggests, I have successfully examined my first real patient! I think I’ve been looking forward to this day since I first decided to go to optometry school so I’ve easily been looking forward to this for at…
Moving to Columbus
Let’s face it, there is not much fun in moving. Whether you’re moving an hour away or across the country, moving to a new city can be overwhelming. We’re here to help you with some of the questions you may…
A quick Spring semester update
Another semester is off and running. It seems like every semester we jump right into things faster and faster now that pretty much all of our foundational basics have been covered. By week 2 we were already learning a skill called…
Happy Friday y’all! So, today marked the end of the third week of second semester here at The Ohio State University College of Optometry, and (thankfully) I’m finally beginning to feel like I’ve readjusted to the daily school routine. Right…