Optometry School Finals Week 101
Hi guys! I was just taking a little finals study break and it prompted me to make a list of some tips for efficient study during finals week. Getting to the end of finals week can feel like a marathon…
“But They’re More Like Subtle Raisins…”
Good morning all! Well, this is it.. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Today officially starts the race to the finish that will include 5 tests in the next seven days. It may be a bit rough. But this…
I Think I Need (Another) Study Break…
So, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past two semesters at The Ohio State University College of Optometry, it’s that I’m pretty terrible at studying. Just kidding. That’s not actually a new revelation; studying has never been one…
Sprint to the end – until summer semester
The semester continues to move quickly as somehow it’s now April. A lot has happened since my last post. We’ve continued to see more patients in clinic, learn new skills, and of course do a little bit of studying here…
Pelotonia 2016 (and Other Fun Activities)
Hey guys! Long time no see… 🙂 So, somehow this semester has completely flown by, and I now find myself 6 weeks from the official end of my first year at The Ohio State University College of Optometry. Holy cow….