Optometry Visit Day
It’s almost time! Twice a year the Ohio State College of Optometry sets up an Admissions Visit Day for prospective students and anyone interested in visiting the college. Faculty, staff, and current students will be on hand to give tours of the building, explain financial aid information and share personal experiences. This year the Spring Visit Day will be held on April 2, starting at 12:30pm. Some current students have shared their Visit Day experiences either from the perspective of attending Visit Day or of helping to make the Visit Day successful. It’s an exciting day to learn about your potential future profession! Come out and visit us! For more information about the event and to RSVP, please visit http://optometry.osu.edu/visitday/
“As a freshman in undergrad, I attended Visit Day to be able to hear first-hand from students and my possible future professors about the benefits of attending the College of Optometry at OSU. Through the Visit Day, I met a fourth year student ambassador who was really helpful in getting me in touch with a first year student who would be more relatable to me at that point in my undergrad career. He answered all of the questions I had about being a first year and even helped to coordinate with one of the professors so that I could sit in on a first year class. The whole experience confirmed how dedicated everyone at the college is to making sure prospective students receive all the information and guidance they need in learning about optometry at OSU.”
-Jessica Bodamer
“I actually found my roommate from Visit Day last year! She was in the process of applying and when she got accepted she messaged me on Facebook and we ended up being roommates!”
-Emily Rausch
“My favorite part of visit day now is seeing the process go full circle. As an undergraduate I used to come to every event possible and would cling to the words of faculty, staff, and students. They all seemed so passionate and knowledgeable about their profession. A few short years later and now I am on the other side of the coin helping prospective students pursue their dreams, it is truly a wonderful feeling.”
-Amber Mathias
“My first Visit Day was in undergrad. I was nervous to come and be around all of these optometry students and doctors that I desperately wanted to be. I was shocked when I arrived and everyone was so excited for me to be there and to share about the school. They were so welcoming and so excited for me and my future in optometry. It was the first time I realized and experienced that optometry truly is a family. I also have had really great experiences at the student organization fair, held typically at the Autumn Visit Day event. All of the students are so passionate about what they do for their clubs and it was a great way to learn about all of the different ways you are able to practice optometry.”
-Kait Laux
“In early high school I knew I wanted to do something medical but I wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to go. The options can be overwhelming so when I found OSU’s optometry visit day online I knew I had to check it out. Having 20/20 vision my entire life, I had not been to the eye doctor in recent memory, and truly did not know much about what the profession had to offer. Nonetheless, my mom and I drove over to the college and it’s safe to say that was the beginning of it all. As only a 15 year old I knew I had found my future profession that day. The visit day helped me to see not only what OSU’s program was about, but also all the opportunities optometry has to offer. I was blown away by the family here at OSU optometry. Nearly 10 years later as a 2nd year optometry student I am so thankful I took the chance on optometry.”
-Ashley Bulinski
“I love helping with visit days because they combine two of my favorite things: optometry and Ohio State. We have a really strong program with a lot of great opportunities, and it’s so fun to share that with people. I love talking to other people who are nerdy about eyes just like I am!”
-Heather Van Law
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