Optometry school, Take 2

Well, the second year is already off to a very quick start. Week 4 is already in the books somehow and the semester is hitting full gear. This week saw us take our first tests of the semester and next week has two more along with our first clinical skills proficiency.

This week in lab we were learning the basics of retinoscopy. The technique allows us to estimate a patient's refractive error without their input.

This week in lab we were learning the basics of retinoscopy. The technique allows us to estimate a patient’s refractive error without their input.

Despite all the work in keeping up with notes and studying like we did last year, this year we are in the preclinic area learning all of the skills we’ll use in a routine exam. Learning all of that has been really exciting and rewarding. It’s really fun to go to lab each week to learn all the stuff we came to school for and I’m already starting to feel more like a true “doctor” each week. You can see me hard at work in the picture to the left.

In addition I’m the president of Optometry Ambassadors this year and combined with my involvement in a handful of other organizations at school, the start of the semester has been very hectic. A lot of meetings, classes, and studying has primarily been my life the last 4 weeks. Having good organizational skills has definitely been my friend recently.

Looking ahead over the next couple weeks, a few tests and clinic proficiencies remain but after getting through all that I will be headed to the annual East West Conference in Cleveland. East West is similar to the American Optometric Conference I went to in Seattle over the summer, just more regional and not as large. A lot of our professors at Ohio State speak at East West for continuing education so the entire college in a way moves to Cleveland for the weekend. It should be a lot of fun, just like Seattle. I’ll be sure to write a wrap-up in a few weeks. Until then, back to studying and practicing my skills!

The college got a new life size cutout of Brutus (rocking some sweet specs of course) over the summer. Be sure to stop in the Eyewear Gallery and get your picture taken with him if you're ever at the school!

The college got a new life size cutout of Brutus (rocking some sweet specs of course) over the summer. Be sure to stop in the Eyewear Gallery and get your picture taken with him if you’re ever at the school!

P.S. – I hope you like the theme change!  New year, new theme.