Welcome to Opt 2 Year!
Hello! I’m so excited to be back and blogging my second year at the Ohio State College of Optometry! Already, second year is so different than first, in many positive ways. I felt immediately comfortable walking back into school– knowing where to go, how to get into my locker and mailbox, etc. I felt like I had taken a nice, long vacation for the summer and was refreshed and ready for the new school year. Returning to school also meant getting to see and hang out with my classmates again! The first week is so much fun because there are multiple social gatherings and picnics to welcome and meet the first year class.
So far, the best thing about second year is clinic lab. It’s the best feeling to be finally breaking out the equipment that has gone pretty much unused since purchasing it last semester and learning techniques while practicing on classmates. I already enjoy being in the beautiful new preclinic area while in dress clothes and our white coats (yay!) for lab. It makes me feel as if I’ll truly be an optometrist one day. Last year we learned the bulk of critical information that serves as the base for everything else we learn through the next three years. With the addition of preclinic lab, second year just makes my future seem like more of a reality even in the first few weeks.
I know this year is going to be difficult because I’ll have to balance practicing clinical skills with studying in the library but I’m looking forward to it. I’ll keep you updated on how long my super positive outlook lasts 🙂
It’s my favorite time of the year in Columbus—football season! Time to head to the library so I can watch the Buckeyes play Virginia Tech tonight! GO BUCKS!