1st Eye Exam Down…. Many, many, many more to go!
It is a very exciting time for us Opt II students here at Ohio State… Between last week and this week we have all begun to officially perform a full eye exam on real patients. During the second semester of our second year (which is what we are in right now), we go through what is called “OPT II Clinic”. It is during this time that we are assigned one afternoon a week, we are paired up with one of our classmates, and we are watched by an attending while completing full eye exams. Throughout the course of 9 weeks, I will see 5 patients while my partner will see 4 patients, although it has become clear that we are quite the team and end up seeing all 9 of them together. Most of these “guinea pigs” (as I like to call them) are our loved family and friends who graciously give their time to sit as our patients to practice on. But nonetheless they are patients that are not used to being practiced on and who do not give us the scripted answers that we as students have spoiled each other with while practicing. With each exam we are learning valuabe details to help improve our exam skills and thoughts as a clinician.
Last Wednesday was my first official day in the Primary Vision Clinic and the feeling of excitement amongst my classmates was quite evident in the air upon walking into the hallway. We met for clinic at 1p.m. and unpacked all of our equipment with plenty of time to go. We all then sat anxiously awaiting to hear our names called over the loud speaker, indicating that our patients were checked in and ready at the front desk. As the names were called one by one, faint screams of joy were let out all down the hallway and all of us students had huge smiles that we couldn’t seem to wipe away. After all, this moment was what we had been dreaming of for so long. Throughout the entire process of wanting to go to Optometry School, getting into Optometry School, and then being in Optometry School, seeing patients seemed like it was so far away. But finally after a year and a half in Fry Hall, mannnnny (MANY) sleepless nights, and more exams and practicals than I wish to count…. we were proficient enough to see our first patient on our own!
It was quite an amazing feeling walking the down the hallway to call on my patient. I was filled with so many different emotions ranging of course from the thrill of the moment to the nervousness of that this was finally the real thing! My first exam was my sister (who has given me full permission to mention so) and was a great first patient indeed. She has been such a huge supporter of everything that I have done while growing up and it truly meant a lot for me to see her as my very first patient ever!!! Her exam went great and I prescribed my very first printed prescription for glasses. With a huge thanks to my clinic partner (Kurt Mills) and my attending Dr. Smith, the exam was not nerve wracking at all and was in fact quite relaxing. I performed the skills that I had practiced so many times before and learned a lot as I went along. By the end of the semester we will need to complete an entire eye exam in less than 1 hour and 45 minutes. Although my first one took just over 2 hours, I was happy with my time and will become more efficient as I become more proficient with my skills. I will be seeing more of my family and close friends before the end of the semester of which I am excited to improve my clinical skills and learn at every step along the way. Butttttt for now we are all going to celebrate and enjoy this big milestone along the pathways to our career. It has been a long road to get to where we are today, and there is still a long road ahead, but for now we are going to pit stop and enjoy this feeling of accomplishment! Congratulations to the Class of 2017!! 1 exam down… Many, many, many more to go!