Third Semester’s the Charm


This semester has been non-stop and I’m glad for the small break to provide an update on what’s been going on.

So most important for this semester is that my fellow second years and I are finally learning how to do a full exam between two classes. One class focuses on the ocular health portion of the exam which includes slit lamp, BIO, and fundoscopy. The other class focuses on primary care aspects of the exam including refracting, visual acuities, patient history, and many other techniques. Some techniques are easier than others but the professors and other attending optometrists are incredibly helpful. The time within is not usually enough to learn the techniques so we have to practice outside of lab. Someone is always available and willing to practice their clinical skills with you. It’s a great break from book studying that we did some much of last year.

I was also fortunate enough to attend EastWest Eye Conference in Cleveland two weeks ago. To read more about my time there you can read my article on

This semester I also took on the position of the Local AOA-PAC Liaison. My responsibility is to raise awareness about the political issues affecting optometry on the state and national level. In addition, I will also help coordinate the AOA-PAC drive at Ohio State which raises money to help fight for the best interests of optometry and plan Ohio State’s trip to the Congressional Adovcacy Conference in Washington, DC in March. Most of my work will take place in the spring semester but this semester, I will be having the President of Ohio Optometric Association coming in to talk to my classmates about AOA-PAC.

I also recently took the role of Treasurer-Elect for the Student chapter of the American Academy of Optometry (SAAO). The goal of the group is encourage student involvement in Academy and to education students on latest research going on in optometry. The organization had existed before but was recently resurrected. I’m excited to be a part of this organization and cannot wait to see what amazing things it will do.

Overall, the semester has been excellent but a little stressful. With a multitude of tests, proficiencies, meetings, and just living in general, I sometimes forget that the whole point of optometry school is to become an optometrist. For me, this means being excited to go to work every day, and having the honor of improving people’s lives. This ultimately equates to a satisfying and purposeful life. My roommate recently asked me what the reason I decided to do optometry. I had not been asked this in quite some time but it forced me to remember all of those reasons. It reminded me why I am doing this in the first place and to keep going. It also has been making those late nights of studying a lot easier to go through.

I did get one brief respite from studying. On Halloween, a few classmates and I dressed up as if it were Christmas! My fellow blogger Elizabeth (definitely check out her blog later) came up with the idea. She and some of our other classmates dressed up as reindeer while I went as Santa. Together, we went to downtown for the annual InterProfesssional Council Halloween Party which is always a good time.

Now that I have had a chance to breathe, it’s back to studying and practicing.