Getting ready for a busy few weeks..
Hi guys! I left off my last post with the College of Optometry’s Centennial Celebration and wanted to tell you a little bit more about how that went. On the night of the 5th, the Archie Griffin Ballroom was packed with around 850 Ohio State Optometry alumni, faculty and students. It was the largest gathering I have ever seen at the Union! It was a really wonderful night filled with entertainment, delicious food, talking with classmates and their friends and hearing from important alumni. We capped off the celebration with a performance by the “Bad Habits: The Official Eye Docs of Rock,” an all optometrist rock group. This was the first time I had heard them but most people attending knew of them because they play at many vision expos and meetings across the country. I loved ending the night by singing and dancing along with my classmates and other students! Here’s a picture of many of my classmates and I looking fancy at the Centennial!
The real date of the centennial was September 16th. That day in class, Dean Zadnik gave us a little bit of history about the profession of optometry as a whole and our program here at Ohio State. Did you know that optometry has its roots in the jewelry business? I didn’t until the other day! Dean Zadnik explained the evolution of the profession from the days of traveling opticians to the legislative fight in Ohio for therapeutics to the current scope of optometry that our class will learn to practice! It was amazing to think how much the career has changed in these 100 years. We also learned that the College of Optometry started as a branch of the Physics Department back in 1914 called Applied Optics. She read us some excerpts from the original course manual and we realized how different the program was when it started from how it is now.
So class- wise, things are really starting to pick up. Next week we have our first two midterms in Anatomy and Optics and then have one or two tests almost every week after. I have been studying a lot all week to prepare for them. I’m spending a lot of time this weekend studying too but I wanted to write a post during a study break J Unfortunately, I had to sell my ticket to the home game this weekend. As an Ohio State undergraduate, I went to every home game so it has been an adjustment for me to realize that I might not be able to make it to every single one due to upcoming tests. However, that doesn’t mean that there won’t be any time for fun. I’ve learned that if you plan your week ahead and budget your time really well, you can make room for certain activities you really want to do. I did go to the game two weekends ago and it was such a great feeling being back in the ‘Shoe!’ Here are a couple pictures from the game against Kent State University!
Okay, now it’s time to get back to studying! Go Bucks!