About Joan

My name is Joan Cmar and this is my first year in optometry school at The Ohio State University! I’m from a small town in northern Ohio about 15 minutes from Cedar Point (I’m only now getting over my fear of rollercoasters though). I also went to undergrad at The Ohio State University and after three and a half years I earned my bachelor’s degree in biology. I worked at a small private practice as a receptionist after graduation up until the day before orientation this year. In my free time you would find me playing tennis, cooking dinner for friends, taking a jog, baking Chrissy Teigan’s outrageous carrot cake, explaining to friends why cereal is not a soup, eating pineapple on pizza, laughing at my own jokes, chasing my nieces and nephews around, watching The Barefoot Contessa, or singing the songs that get stuck in my head out loud. I’m excited to start my education at the best institution in the best profession! Completion of optometry school might seem far in the distance, but let’s take these first few steps together!