Drew Barkley Presents His Work At The ADSA Annual Meeting

Recent OSU MPH-VPH graduate, Drew Barkley, presented his Master’s research at the American Dairy Science Association’s Annual Meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio this week. Drew estimated the prevalence of different pathogens associated with diarrhea in dairy calves on a number of farms in Ohio. Rotavirus and K99+ E. coli were the most prevalent pathogens, followed by C. parvum, coronavirus, and Salmonella. Also, risk of mortality was higher for calves infected with E. coli and Salmonella. To learn more, please read the abstract or check our Drew’s poster.

Great work, Drew!

Dr. Habing Attends The Surveys and Communication of AMR Workshop in Nebraska!

This workshop bring together experts focused on surveying and communicating the human and economic dimensions of antimicrobial resistance in agriculture. It consists of 30-35 participants, including researchers, graduate students, post-docs, and industry experts in this area. Participants give brief presentations of their work and participate in discussion sessions and working groups in order to coordinate research efforts, cultivate long-term collaborations, and offer mentoring opportunities between students and professionals outside of their home institutions.