
Maintaining Motivation Blog Post

I learned what apps to use and I learned some brand new ones from my classmates. For this module, we had to provide an app or web tool that we used for 2 days throughout the week and explain how it is and how it’ll help you and/or your classmates. My classmates provided some apps that I didn’t know about and I can use some of the in the future to help me. The app I used was an app called Zoom. As we’re going through this very tough time, we don’t have class at all as class is basically online so we have online school. Zoom allows me to get a group together and just talk about things that we learned and just Get a review from each on the call and get to know what we all think. When I’m confused or having trouble with something I just hop on a call with my classmates or tutors and just talk it out like we’re basically in class and we provide examples and just information that we share that helps us. It’s like a Group FaceTime and it can really help with learning and more. It really helps me a lot and I hope my classmates use it well.

Searching and Researching Blog Post

In this module, we had to go over all the websites and things that helped us throughout this course and what websites and resources we will use going forward. We also had to list what resources help us get through college and they lost resources that could help and a couple of them are actually good and I have been using some of them that were already listed. In this module, we had to list w website from every module and explain why we want to use it in the future and why does it help us improve our learning skills. I know a couple websites helped me throughout this course and I hope I can reach others to help them in the future with this course. Resources like Bubbl, Quizlet, and Notability are the main websites/apps that help me get through college. Bubbl was a website I found through this class, its like a mind map website that really helps you with your thinking. Quizlet and notability are resources that I have been using that allow me to succeed in the classroom. This class is really helpful and it allowed me to get all my thoughts together and It allowed me to learn things that I have not heard of before.

Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies Blog Post 2

In this module, I learned tons. I learned different ways on how rtf take notes and how to effectively take notes without missing anything. Things like outlining or Cornell notes or taking notes in sentences or bullet points. These types of little things help me a lot. I used to take notes as if I wrote everything down and then I would miss something and have to get it from somebody else. I had to write about a youtube video and add it in a discussion and talk about it in 2 paragraphs. It was about marriage which is one of the main topics in one my classes right now. I watched the video on marriage and it helped me figure out the real meaning and how much that word means to this world. Marriage is not only fro one person but it involves to people and they put their lives on the line with their trust on that other person which is dangerous. They’re putting their lives in that persons hands and they trust them rot protect them. Ill use these note taking strategies and Ill try to better myself on taking notes in the future. Ill do better and better myself in the future.

Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies Blog Post

In this module I learned a lot. I learned how to use more websites to help me more through college. It helped me find more resources and it allowed me to use these websites to my advantage. I learned how to use a new website called bubbl. Bubbl is a mind map and it allows you to brainstorm things and it is really helpful. I made an assignment earlier on this website and I really like it a lot. I had to make an assignment based off of one of my classes and in one of my classes im learning about family right now so it allowed me to make a mind map. Ideas from this module I will put into practice in the future is using to my advantage because that website will really help me in the end. The advice I would give to students in the future is to use these websites because they really help. I also want to give advice on using these websites to your benefits because they will really make you a better student in the end. I want you to start at an early stage of your college career so it can impact you so you can get used to it.


Module 2: Collaborating and Communicating

What Even is Netiquette?

Netiquette is a term that I am sure most of us were not familiar with prior to this week. I have had many people ask me if I was angry or mad simply because I had typed in all caps. The most useful thing I learned from this week’s module is that it is very easy for someone to take your word the wrong way through online communication. The tone of your messages is kind of up to whoever the recipient is. For example, you could say something jokingly, but they might have taken it differently. A specific example of something from this module that I have already put into practice is working on the default communication of email. Being that we are students we communicate with our classmates, coaches, and teachers through emails. To create a good first impression, we must make sure that our text is clear, concise, and grammatically correct. This week I have been working on proofreading emails before I send them out so that I make good impressions. One piece of advice is that you must remember to also imagine that someone can be watching what you say online. For example, in the future an employer might do a broad search of you online thus accessing your social media pages. If you practice good netiquette and put out the best version of yourself online then you will make waves in the future.
